The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    ... anointed contemporaries of the first group...

    Whoever wrote this garbage doesn't even understand what a contemporary is. Like having to redefine 'generation' as their understanding of the meaning of the word had to be stretched way past it's use by date, they are already having to stretch the meaning of 'contemporary' beyond it's breaking point and they have only just started using it. Does the Bethel library not contain a dictionary? or are the writers short of enough brain cells to use it?

  • konceptual99

    "Evidently" they don't have a dictionary.

  • Bobcat


    Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians.

    What scriptural proof do they give for this statement?

    Here is the "proof" they provide:

    "We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians."

  • konceptual99

    @splash - nice work

  • cantleave

    Indeed Bobcat - I forget the GB trump the bible.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Here is the "proof" they provide:

    "We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians."

    How inclusive do you think that word "WE" actually is among all the active JWs?

    How many of them actually understand any of this mumbo jumbo crap?

    They just drink the Koolaid.


    The important part of being a JW has not changed at all:

    HEY! Let's go grab a burger and a few (too many) brewskis after the meeting!



  • Bobcat

    "Here is the proof you seek" (The GB in the movies):


    Note Sybok's reaction when Kirk asks his question. This is classic Kingdom Hall stuff.


    No greater crime was ever perpetrated, no greater heresy ever spoken than, " I seek proof."



    People reading this thread may ask why we are making such a fuss about the Watchtower Society's ducking-and-diving over the Generation Game. It is because the Watchtower Society have always made a lot of noise about the importance of accurate pedictions. Foe example, in 1972, the Society, eager to accuse others of false prophecy made the following statement. Their own words, intended to apply to others, sum up their own failings with startling accuracy:

    Jehovah the God of the true prophets will put all false prophets to shame either by not fulfilling the false prediction of self-assuming prophets or by having his own prophecies fulfilled in a way opposite to that predicted by false prophets. False prophets will try to hide their reasons for feeling shame by denying who they really are. They will try to avoid being killed or pronounced spiritually dead by Jehovah’s loyal worshippers… they would place love of God and his inspired word above all personal friendships with fleshy relatives or associates.

    Paradise Restored to Mankind byTheocracy- pages 353,354

    Yes! These really are the Watchtower Society’s own words. Many loyal and sometimes high-ranking Jehovah's Witnesses have concluded that the Watchtower Society shows all the signs of a false prophet. Their conscience has moved them to leave the organization and their relatives, friends and associates. They were prepared to pay a price to stand up for truth, as men and women throughout history have done. The price of freedom and truth can be high But what price is to be paid for denying truth?

  • steve2

    "Evidently" they don't have a dictionary.

    More accurately, "evidently" they don't need a dictionary. Who needs a dictionary when you have hubris?

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