The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible



    WOW!! I am glad they "clearly identified" the Great Crowd! Theological nightmare is right! All a JW can do is throw their hands up at this point! There are a lot of potential GC members out there! How do you identify yourself as a dub???


  • sir82

    At this point, we are very close to having three classes instead of two.

    I count 5:

    -- Anointed who are the "faithful & discreet slave"

    -- Anointed who are part of the "2nd group" who "overlaps" the "first group" to make up "the generation"

    -- Anointed who who are neither "faithful & discreet" nor "overlappers" (known to the GB as "the loony bin")

    -- Non-anointed who are part of the "great crowd" that will survive Armageddon

    -- Non-anointed who were "gathered" decades ago but were never part of the "great crowd"

    I imagine the longer this "old system" goes on, the more classes we'll see.

  • Fisherman

    DD, you said it. You are wrong.

  • Finkelstein

    The Jehovah's Witnesses is one bat shit crazy religion, has been from the very start.

    But that very well might be its most alluring aspect.


    Finkelstein The Jehovah's Witnesses is one bat shit crazy religion, has been from the very start.

    So true, but can you name a successful religion that is not bat-shit crazy?

  • Fisherman


    I see what you are saying. I never thought of the great crowd like that. I thought that the GC was simply not anointed believers, OS. Since people die not only because of old age, not living until the end of the GT does not make one another class and neither if some died of old age. I figured they are still part of the OS=GC.I though that GC meant that when the GT actually comes, there will be survivors OS.

    TD, what you say is very interesting. Do you have a book? I would like to consider ALL of what you are pointing out .


    Just asking. No offense intended. My apologies.


  • Finkelstein

    ummmmm...... Good point Glad.

    Religion has the capability to attacking people's emotions diluting their own critical thinking skills.

    For example ... when JWS come to people's doors saying " Did you know that

    this world system of things is soon to be destroyed ? "

    The common reply is what ? where did you obtain that bit of information from ?

    Its right here in the bible .

    You believe in God's word the bible don't you ?

    Well yes !

    This literature we're offering you today explains in detail why this is going to occur.

    OK I'll take that to read.

    Can we return in a weeks time after you've read these to discuss it with you ?

    Sure !

    The bait and hook all starts there and then.

    The WTS. biggest point of exploitation this organization used and expanded upon is the very

    basic belief in the bible itself.

  • Fisherman


    There are various types of convictions (FAITH)

    One is based on belief and one is based on knowledge.

    Jesus said You will KNOW the truth he also said This means everlasting life.. taking in KNOWLEDGE of you...."

    Teachings of men is not knowledge. They are things believed to be true. Knowledge is not a belief. It is not dubious. Knowldge is FACT. For example, Jesus KNEW his identity. Even if it could be proven that he was not who he claimed. HE WAS WHO HE WAS AND HE KNEW IT.

    Faith is a derrivative of Knowledge. Also of Belief.

    If Jesus was who he says he was, although one may be able to prove that he was not ( proving means presentation of facts forcing a conclusion) He was who he was.

  • Fisherman

    DD , as I understand it, in Russel's day, the JW teaching offended a lot of people and and many Religions got angry and they used their polital power to try to kill the founding fathers of the church. Also, they taught what they believed to be true even if they were in error.

    Pastor Russel put his faith in the Almighty and did his work trusting in the Almighy. For some reason the Almighty liked Pastor Russel and chose him and worked exclusively through him and then the watchtower till this very day. God has in the past allowed HIS people to believe and teach a lot of erroneous things but they were still his people. Why God allows these things? I dont know. BUt if the teachings start falling apart, I see a serious problem and at some point, God is going to have to step in.

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