The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fisherman

    "This is a question not a statement" Please read my related Post.

    With that said, to Phizzy and was blind. I am not trying to sound authoritative. A prima facie look at the preaching work shows it is the the most extensive in human history and at the years from 1914 till today also show this is an era like no other in human history and the events satisfy the requiremnts for the "this"generation" prophecy and the sign of the last days.

    But even if those 2 requirements were met, the third factor MUST also be included.


    OK.... Fisherman.. [ additions mine ]

    You said, " DD , as I understand it, in Russel's day, the JW teaching offended a lot of people and and many Religions got angry and they used their polital power to try to kill the founding fathers of the church. Also, they taught what they believed to be true even if they were in error.

    [ True, but so what? That doesn't give them the right to accuse others of apostasy for letting them know they are wrong. Also, have you had the chance to read Rutherford's letter to Hitler?]

    Pastor Russel put his faith in the Almighty and did his work trusting in the Almighy. For some reason the Almighty liked Pastor Russel and chose him and worked exclusively through him and then the watchtower till this very day. God has in the past allowed HIS people to believe and teach a lot of erroneous things but they were still his people. Why God allows these things? I dont know. BUt if the teachings start falling apart, I see a serious problem and at some point, God is going to have to step in.

    [ You speak of facts quite often. Please prove the highlighted statement.]

    If you believe that GOD is working "exclusively" through the WTBTS inc. to this day, then you are a WTBTS apologist on some level. Please stop acting like you are not one. My apology is retracted as my gut feeling was correct.


  • Fisherman

    "I would like to view this Board as a truth finding forum. I know that is not purely possible but at the very least it is not about winning an argument no matter what. TD, the information you posted is truly significant. I must consider it."

    DD, please read my related post as quoted above. An apologist, is not open to consideration. All he wants to do is defend no matter what.

    wrong again

    Lets focus on the topic not on me. I am not on trial here.

  • TD

    yadda yadda

    TD, a JW might argue there is a third group: the resurrected dead. All 'prospective' members of the great crowd who die before the great tribulation fall into that third group.

    In JW theology, everyone (With a few relatively rare exceptions) gets resurrected. That is not salvation through God's judgment.

    In other 'flavors' of Christianity, this is such a basic, concept. Christians don't serve God specifically for a reward, but at the same time, without a reward they become people, "..most to be pitied."

    A JW arguing for the existence of a formal third class of Christians whose outcome is no different than those who lived before Christ would be repudiating Christianity at a very basic level

  • wasblind

    You don't sound authoritative at all Fisherman, You seem very pleasant

    in your post



    If I seem harsh , I don't mean to come off as such

    I need work on my presentation I mean no harm



    But the historic events pointed out by the WTS may look as if they satisfy the requirement for this generation

    and the prophecy of the last days, But they don't



    " How then is time calculated down to 1914 ?

    counting 2,520 years from early October of 607 B.C.E. brings us to early October of 1914 C.E "

    " What happened at that time ?

    Jehovah entrusted rulership over mankind to his own Son. "

    " Then why is there still so much wickedness on earth ?

    After Christ was enthroned, Satan was hurled out of heaven and down to earth."____Reasoning from the Scriptures Book page 96-97



    It has been proven against the WTS that WWI started months before Satan was hurled down to earth

    The WTS didn't even meet the first two requirements, I wouldn't waste time waitin' on a third


  • Fisherman


    What do you think is the move (change). How can GC be defined and keep 'this generation"


    Fisherman What do you think is the move (change). How can GC be defined and keep 'this generation"

    The Watchtower Society missed their chance to wriggle out of their failed claims back in 1995. During that century the faithful men of old had not returned physically as promised. The promised return of Jesus to earth had been explained away as an invisible return that they had failed to notice. It was now claimed that many of the promises regarding Israel had been fulfilled on the Witnesses in a spiritual or pictorial way. The promised paradise was, for now, a spiritual paradise. It would have only been one step more for the Society to declare that Armageddon was to be fought in a spiritual realm and would be one more invisible fulfilment not seen by the membership. In other words invisible, unseen, imagined. The Watchtower Society could have written another book explaining that Armageddon had already taken place invisibly but they had missed this event too, but could explain it all, using that wonderful tool of hindsight. Perhaps giving the due apology for having encouraged some of the older members to spend their lives speculating about how many days or years make up a generation. Instead they said:

    Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah’s people have at times speculated about the time when the ‘great tribulation’ would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However we ‘bring a heart of wisdom in.’ Not by speculating about how many days or years make up a generation, but by thinking about how we ‘count our days’ in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term ‘generation’ as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historic period, with their identifying characteristics. Is anything to be gained, then, by looking for dates or by speculating about the literal lifetime of a ‘generation’? Far from it! Therefore, in the final fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy today, ‘this generation’ apparently refers to the people of the earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways. Does our more precise viewpoint on ‘this Generation’ mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all! The Watchtower 1 November 1995 - pages 17-20

    Not at all! What a whopping great pork pie.


    Of course you are not on trial. Still, an apologist is one who speaks in defense of someone or something. If it is your belief that the WTBTS is used exclusively by YHWH, then that premise influences every question you have and every comment you make. If you believe that the JW preaching work is the most extensive in all of human history, [which is saying alot] and you think their preaching is a good thing, then ON SOME LEVEL you are an apologist. I never said that you were a die-hard apologist who was not open-minded. If I defend the WTBTS, then I am an apologist on some level. That's how it works.

    I don't want to derail the topic, so I will try to stay on track. I still say the scriptural definition of "generation" is all that matters. The circular reasoning required to "prove" the WTBTS doctrine is ridiculous. Their twisted reasoning had made it so that almost no one can explain their "clear" teachings that hold to the pattern of healthful words! LOL!! We are on page 12 already!


  • Fisherman

    WasBlind, Im not qualified to choose between WTS 1914 chronology and Gentile Times chronology. Since both stand on their own merit, at the very least WTS 1914 must be consindered.

    Regarding the sign of the last days and the evidence they present including the 100 year preaching work suggesting that this is the time of the end. Do they have a case? They have a prima facie case. What we are examining in this Forum is the 3rd line of evidence they present and TD brought to my attention a siamese twin. So far I have concluded that the teaching stands until 2015 unless the twin is dead. I do not swallow the interlapper definition but I am forced to accept it because it is a legal chess move. I see what they are saying and with much skeptisism, the interlapper definition stands unless I am not seeing something.

  • wasblind


    1) Nobody can prove Jesus returned because he came " invisibly "

    2) Satan is in the clear on WWI. because he hadn't arrived at the time it started

    3) And the WTS definition of what a generation is goes against all logic



    If this was a court case the WTS would look pretty bad on the things they claim as the " Truth "


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