The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Brainfloss
  • Fisherman


    Lets get on the same page first.

    Who do you say was the original audience?


    LOL @ Brainfloss!!

  • TD


    Who do you say was the original audience?

    The passage we've been discussing here is Matthew 24:34. It's part of the Olivet discourse. In the Matthean account it opens at Matthew 24:3 with a question posed by "the disciples."

    Jesus' disciples are the original audience inasmuch as they were the ones he was actually talking to.

  • Fisherman


    Do you mean the 12 Apsotles only

  • truthseeker

    Looks like I'm going to have to update this chart soon...

    Generation Chart

  • Finkelstein

    Its obvious that Fisherman is still holding on to the purposed sign orchestrated by the WTS. of 1914 or was it

    the previous sign in 1874.

    The WTS. made god look really dumb and dishonest when they stated that he choose their organization in 1919

    by the erroneously corrupt and non theologian lawyer J Rutherford running the WTS. ........ummmm ???

    Fisherman says ....

    I thought that you meant the "great crowd" audience I was actually referring to the GC in 1935, and that even though they did not understand "generation"as it is taught today, they discerned the sign.

    What the these people should have discerned just like the first president of the WTS. (W Conley) that the WTS. was indeed involed with

    false and misleading teachings, he left of course to support another Christian based religious group .

    Perhaps the light of "truth" might eventually hit the eyes of Fisherman, I certainly hope so.

  • Fisherman

    Truth Seeker, have you ever read in any "WTs literature" PRIOR to 1914 about discerning the sign by the Bible Students at that time prior to 1914?


    ..This is one of those Threads..


    .......................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Finkelstein

    Its obvious that the WTS has been involved in a commercially inspired fraud of sorts for what it proclaimed

    in either of its many false and misleading date years, with the intension of drawing attention to its published goods.

    Making the WTS. stand out as a false prophet/profit in are modern age.

    These people will be put to judgment including Fisherman if he doesn't change his ways.

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