It's clear that you are a troll, and not interested in learning anything. Lurkers, beware of circular reasoning and dogma. Notice how Fisherman has drawn out the conversation for several pages, but answered nothing. It's similar to listening to a politician give a flowery answer that never addresses the issue. This subject could continue for several more pages, but it wouldn't matter. Fisherman is not here to honestly ask anything or learn anything. He/she/they are simply attempting to muddy the waters. Like an unscrupulous defense attorney, they don't really care what is correct, they simply want to establish doubt and cloud the issues.
The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.
by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible
Again, your opinion is not fact.
I also would like repeat my opinion about the role and tactics of a defense atttorney. But first, I want you to understand that a defense attorney is different than an apologetic. Do you know the difference?
But, relating to a defense attorney, his cause is a noble one, freedom. Therefore, his tactics can be justified. Not so with a prosecutor, his cause is justice. But if you think that the issue in secular matters involving the law is truth, you should consider to reconsider, because it is not. I hope that is clear. I also want to make it clear that it is not my duty to respond to every opinion posted on this thread.
The w's are saying that they discern (material vs "charismatic flavor") the sign.
So: They have a reason for their faith. And, also, they have a reason for their faith.
Is that clear?
That is illuminating. Thank you.
I would have to say though that we seem to have traversed a circle and are now back to my original observation on this thread:
The parallel with the Olivet is destroyed by the passage of time and reinterpretation of words like, "Generation" into things the original audience would never have understood.
It is upon this parallel that the entire concept of a larger fulfilment of the "Sign" and "Time of the End" depends.
Does anyone remember Johnny Cochran? Justice is served according to Fisherman.
original audience would never have understood.
They also would have discerned the sign.
It is upon this parallel that the entire concept of a larger fulfilment of the "Sign" and "Time of the End" depends.
If you seem to be saying that wts teaching is what establishes the "sign of christ's presence" then you do not see it, sir. It is the other way around. JWS say that It is the sign that formualtes the parallel with the passage of time and events.
The "sign" is is irrefutable evidence to jws. Jw's say that unbelivers are not able to see the the sign.
Fisherman is just another example of how WTS. gets people so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they are told to
avoid debating facts upon certain doctrines.
They are told that these ones (opposers) are mentally diseased or controlled by Satan in contravening the WTS. teachings.
They are told to leave the conversation and avoid intense debate and most do.
This came about because the WTS. leaders know their doctrines are deviously contrived and false information
but still commercially viable for a religious publishing house to endeavor with.
The constant drumming of spiritual warfare is pushed into people's minds that they loose their critical thinking skills to only think
and support the WTS's doctrines and that Jehovah will answer all in due time.
Thats why many times when JWS are strongly confronted upon their established beliefs, they get to a point and walk away.
Its a built in mechanism that resist truths and facts concerning their faith.
No wonder Fisherman doesn't refute claims on specific items of debate, he has been mentally indoctrinated NOT to.
DD, JC was defense not DA.
" DD, JC was defense not DA."
I compared your circuitous rambling to an unscrupulous Defense Attorney. You countered by saying, " a defense attorney, his cause is a noble one, freedom. Therefore, his tactics can be justified." In response, I said, " Does anyone remember Johnny Cochran? Justice is served according to Fisherman." I was basically saying that Johnny Corchran's defense of O.J Simpson was not really a nobel cause, and that his tactics were not justified, as justice was not served in that instance.
Then you said that JC was "defense" not DA. If by "DA" you mean Defense attorney, then you are once again playing word games in an attempt to cloud the moral issue that I was highlighting. An Attorney is synonymous with a lawyer, according to Webster's dictionary. Johnny Cochran was a lawyer, which is a synonym of attorney, and he defended O.J. Simpson. Interestingly, JC was a great example for me to use. Cochran did not represent Simpson in the civil trial for the same murders, and O.J was found liable, or responsible. That's why I asked if anyone remembered Johnny C, I was bringing attention to the irony of the situation. I usually don't have to explain things so much, but I don't mind.
Anyway, nice try.
See your erroneous conclusions? DA means District Attorney (prosecution) You need to start thinking ( I say that respectfully).
Fisherman, your comparison John 6:30 and Matthew 16:3 does not make sense with JW teaching of 1914. One is about the signs of the end of time, JW is teaching about "INVISIBLE" presence of Jesus Chris. A huge difference. If there were any sign of the end of times, they should had happened 100 years ago. JW for past 90 years are teaching that we are living in kingdom of Jesus right before the great battle of Armaggedon (right before cca 100 year still ongoing).
Finkelstein, I do not think JW and GB will abandon 1914 for another decade or two. There are still many codgers, who still believe 1914 nonsense and will continue to preach it until they die. For younger generation the WWI is becoming as distant as 100 Years war, and they will eventually get a new light pointing to new time. The 1914 will eventually fade into memory, but this will not happen right away.
TD or we should add, the millions that will never die.