I do not know what you mean. Give examples where the wts uses the term spiritual to apply it to something material?
There are subtleties I miss sometimes so correct me if I'm wrong. This is what I understand the following terms to mean:
"Spiritual activity" = Meeting attendance, Bible study, Door knocking, Literature distribution
"Spiritual fellowship" = Associating with fellow JW's
"Spiritual routine" = Regimen of "Spiritual activity"
"Spiritual habits" = Same as "Spiritual routine"
"Spirtual goals" = Aspirations within the JW community (e.g. Elder, Pioneer, Bethelite, etc.)
"Spiritual values" = Degree to which "Spiritual activity" is appreciated
"Spiritual progress" = Degree to which personal aspirations and expectations within the JW community have been realized.
"Spiritual advancement" = Same as "Spiritual progess"
"Spiritual enlightenment" = Learning JW doctrine (aka The Truth)
"Spiritual light" = Same as enlightenment above
"Spiritual assistance" = Encouragment towards "Spiritual activity"
"Spiritual help" = Same as assistance above
"Spiritual strength" = A high degree of "Spiritual activity"
"Spiritual provisions" = Prepared JW material including literature and meetings
"Spiritual food" = Same as "Spiritual provisions"
"Spiritual nourishment" = Same as "Spritual food"
"Spiritual diet" = Regimen of "Spiritual nourishment"
"Spiritual table" = JW Curriculum of "Spiritual provisions"
"Spiritual banquette" = A special event like a convention
"Spiritual treasures" = JW teachings of special value to the individual
"Spiritual instruction" = "Spiritual provisions provided at the "Spiritual table"
"Spiritual direction" = Directives provided through JW parent organization(s)
"Spiritual things" = General term for many of the items above
"Spiritual matters" = Same as "Spiritual things" only refers more to circumstances
"Spiritual heritage" = Being raised as a JW
"Spiritual harvest" = Recruitment of others into the JW faith
"Spiritual paradise" = Current state of happiness within JW faith for active members
"Spiritual difficulty" = Discouragement or actual wrongdoing affecting "Spiritual activity"
"Spiritual wrongdong" Violation of JW standards of ethics and morality
"Spiritual harm" = Similar to "Spiritual difficulty" only more severe
"Spiritual ruin" = Similar to "Spiritual harm" only more severe
It seems to me that you know WTS teaching. What are you really asking?
You mentioned communion with God. I asked what form this takes in the JW faith.
Perfect example. My neighbor is Mormon (LDS) Members of this faith have a "Testimony" (i.e. A spiritual witness given to an individual by the Holy Ghost.) For this man, it was a full blown angelic visitation. I'm not saying I believe it happened. (I don't.) The point is that he believes it. It was a very, very special experience for him and tears streamed down his face when he tried to explain the beauty and majesty of a spirit creature. JW's on the other hand are as skeptical when it comes to real, tangible spiritual experiences today as any atheist you're ever likely to meet. (Again in my own experience with them.) So when a JW speaks of communion with God, I'm interested.