" If someone wants to help this site , I think they can post thier findings that led to their views " ____Fisherman
I'm not against that
There are plenty of threads that have proven the falsehoods of the WTS through the things that were found
and yet, regaurdless of the abundance of information , you still prefer to wait on the Great Tribulation.
Well help yourself. Go on and wait . The WTS been waitin for over one hundred years
Oh wait a minute !!!! I think I see it
Oh shoot !!!! that ain't it. Nothin' but a thunder storm that blew over
I will be darn. The sun is out again
But don't enjoy it !!!! The end will be here soon
Don't blink, you might miss it.
It's closer than the lid on your eyeball
Oh well. Give it a little more time, I guess I'll wait another year or two. 2014 or 2015 ?
It jus' gotta come. I refuse to believe it won't be here by then
Cuz the WTS know somethin' Jesus don't