The organization is worried about the future finances. Making the literature cost as a voluntary donation back in he early 90's here in the U.S. wasnt a great move but they also realized that they had all that prime real estate( not kidding like 100's of millions of dollars) in Brooklyn to fall back on so they survived.
Now that they are selling this "financial cushion" to fund their Warwick project they must realize that they need to rely more on donations. Lets be honest now, where has most of the $$$ come from historically in times past for the org? So called industrialzed countries i.e. United States, United Kingdom, Japan, etc. all of whom memberships are either stagnating or on decline slowly, I am certain that generally speaking people are donating less and less in these places hence all the "loving reminders" we have been recieving lately to give give give and volunteer volunteer volunteer .
Other poorer publishers from other countries can not afford to donate as much, sad fact but true. I am sure that they are very worried about their financial future long term.