Fallacies about Faith

by tec 340 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Perhaps I was more clear in stating what this thread was mean to be about on the thread that prompted this thread. That people of faith can speak up as to the false things that atheists think they believe:

    I'm going to start a fallacy thread. Maybe fallacy is not the right word. A thread about false things atheists believe that theists believe. If you can wrap your head around that, lol. I can't speak for all belivers of course, but for my own faith yes. Then others can add as to themselves.



  • MadGiant

    I read your post and I couldn't believe it. The name of your topic is "Fallacies about Faith". You are joking right?

    This is the definition of a fallacies:
    A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness.

    This is the definition of fallacy:
    A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning.

    This is the definition of reasoning:
    Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, for establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information.

    This is the definition of logic:
    Logic describes the use of valid reasoning in some activity.

    "There are atheists, agnostics, people of other beliefs/faiths/religion - who may enter the kingdom as subjects of the kingdom, based on their deeds (as recorded in their books at the second resurrection), and according to the parable of the sheep and the goats (doing good to Christ by doing good to even the least of his brothers as the sheep; and the reverse as the goats). I mean obviously, they are no longer atheists or agnostics or people of other faiths at this time, lol. But perhaps just did not know Christ in their lives (for whatever reason)." - tec

    This is a huge assumption. How on earth did you came up with this? Where is the evidence for such a claim?

    Let's assume that you are correct, but I what nothing to do with your deity. Can I refuse the offer?

  • cofty

    This thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.

    Millions of theists believe that all unbelievers will burn in hell for all eternity.

    Millions of theists believe that atheists are less moral than believers - mrhhome said so just yesterday.

    Some theists believe that abject poverty is a virtue.

    Some theists believe that god preordains unbelievers for perdition.

    Others prefer a pic-n-mix theology that they make up as they go along.

    This thread should have been called "Fallacies About What Some Theists Pretend Other Theists Believe"

    Stop trying to speak for others Tammy.

  • Fernando

    Great topic: "Fallacies about Faith".

    One of the worst offenders put out by religion in my view is:

    faith = belief = religion

    A simple question may help to expose the fallacy:

    • Why is religion not one of the fruits of the spirit?
    • Why is belief not one of the fruits of the spirit?
    • Why does the Bible speak about "one faith"?
    • Why does the words "faithS" not exist in the Bible?
  • adamah

    Cofty said-

    Millions of theists believe that atheists are less moral than believers -

    Hell, this Xian pastor thinks Bible-fearing Xians should be able to own atheists as slaves, for their own good:



    In a recently posted You Tube sermon, the pastor of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church, Dr. Joe Morecraft says in a Biblical society, the godly must own “the fool who despises God’s wisdom” because it’s the only way to keep those with a “slave mentality” from ruining other people’s families.

    Based on Proverbs 11:29, Morecraft makes a case for Biblically justified enslavement of a man who does not “trust in Christ” since slavery is the only way to “keep a fool under wraps.”

    The dominionist pastor interprets the Proverb to predict that in a Christian theocracy, an unbeliever will “lose his family, his property, and his freedom,” and “his energies, talents and life will not be used as he himself pleases, but in the service of wise people who work hard to benefit the community.”

    “Put him in somebody’s service where they can watch over him and make him do right even though he doesn’t want to do it.”

    According to Pastor Morecraft, the consequences of being a “foolish person who is unwilling to live by the Word of God” is to “become a slave of somebody who is godly and who is wise.”


  • tec

    But, I need clarification on what "law of love" means and how you define it (upon what actual basis.)

    Love is the law by which we are to live, as Christ taught (and Christ speaks as His Father taught Him, showing us the truth about His Father)

    If an action comes from love, then one has acted in accordance to that law (of love). If an action does not come from love... such as walking past the homeless guy in front of a store and do nothing for him... then one has not acted in accordance to that law.

    If one does something like spit upon the homeless man, then one is acting against that law. (which is not to say that one cannot repent; sometimes we are taught to hate and when we learn our wrong, we work to make amends and correct our wrong)

    I don't know what "written upon their hearts" means other than in some poetic setting.

    I guess it would be acting upon what is in you... your 'nature'. Someone who has love in them, will act according to love; someone who has hate in them, will act according to that. (sometimes we act out of hurt, though, which is not actually a nature, but might cause us to lose sight of our nature, even if just for a spell)

    I don't think nature is the exact word, though Terry... but you might understand it better than acting according to what is in our heart.

    Or maybe look at it this way:

    If you are angry, you will be quick to snap at someone, even unjustly. You might stomp around or be curt or hurt someone out of the anger in you. If you are feeling joyful, you are more likely to do good, to act on that joy in you. If you are angry and bitter and resentful and jealous... or superior and arrogant and prideful... you may be prone to JUDGING and condemning others, and showing no mercy or forgiveness.

    Does that help?

    To call something which is supernatural a "law" won't fit into my mind.

    Love is not supernatural, lol.

    Thanks for your efforts to educate a poor Texas lad.

    Promote those books, baby, and you mighit not be a poor anything ; )

    (I wept by the Rivers of Babylon... selfless promotion of Terry's book)

    Peace to you,


  • tec

    Fernando, I think yours is an even better thread. Maybe we can focus on that instead. Because for the most part it is true that the fallacies that atheists fight agains (or believe that theists believe) have been put out there by various religions, created by man.

    A simple question may help to expose the fallacy:

    • Why is religion not one of the fruits of the spirit?
    • Why is belief not one of the fruits of the spirit?
    • Why does the Bible speak about "one faith"?
    • Why does the words "faithS" not exist in the Bible?

    Awesome, awesome questions.

    Peace to you and yours, as Christ gives peace,


  • cofty

    Wow Adam that is amazing.

    Real fundies are more extreme than even the best parodies of faith. Isn't there a law to that effect - Poe's I think?

  • cofty

    • Why is belief not one of the fruits of the spirit?

    Faith is a fruitage of the spirit. The ability to believe incredible things.

  • adamah

    Fernando said-

    Great topic: "Fallacies about Faith".

    One of the worst offenders put out by religion in my view is:

    faith = belief = religion

    A simple question may help to expose the fallacy:

    • Why is religion not one of the fruits of the spirit?
    • Why is belief not one of the fruits of the spirit?
    • Why does the Bible speak about "one faith"?
    • Why does the words "faithS" not exist in the Bible?

    It's rather ironic that most Xians who talk constantly about faith don't even understand what it is!

    Faith is not a belief which can be expressed into words and explained to others (like their beliefs in the existence of God or the Heavenly Hope), but it's an emotion: a hope, a confidence, a trust that they have in the certainty or reliability of a certain belief.

    In statistics, faith would be analogous to a 'confidence level', the certainty that an obtained value of a population will fall within a certain range.

    Faith itself is actually inexpressible (as all emotions are, although shouting "ANGER!" is likely associated with the emotion of anger, LOL!), whereas a belief can (or should) be explainable to others.


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