This piece of advice should apply to anyone going in front of a JC. As a practical matter I don’t see why a person should submit itself to this ordeal, but this is specially truth in the situation of the females JWs.
The majority of elders are full of the “Eve and Jezebel” mentality, a female has two strikes going in and she can expect to be submitted to a treatment that is degrading and demeaning.
Some elders use the JCs for their own pervert satisfaction and will ask females intimate sexual details that are in essence not proper. Sometimes a female will be asked about things that are more suited to a porno movie that to a Christian procedure.
Don’t be surprised about the disparity in results on a JC. I have seen many times a male witness reproved by a JC and the female counterpart DF even if they were guilty of the same offense.
My impression is that these procedures are full of “machismo” and that a woman going in should be ready to assert her rights and defend her dignity. Don’t allow these petty dictators to abuse you but rather respond forcefully if the going turns into this improper path.
Best advice: do not attend.