Head of the House?

by cofty 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • label licker
    label licker

    What use to bother me was when the subject of headship was to be addressed especially at the assemlies, the brothers always tried to make it a funny thing when announceing it. I would think if you want us sisters to take it seriously then stop making fun of it. The only ones laughing would be the brothers.

  • Apognophos

    The only other thing I'll say about headship is that I don't know how some of the sisters could have followed it, being married to such beef-heads. I mean, if someone's failings are evident to the general public, you know she's seeing even worse at home.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    I am only "head of the house" on my taxes. Our household operates under the precepts of an Anarcho-Syndicalist commune.

  • DJS

    Ditto to FlyingHighNow,

    I seek a partnership in all things, financial, sexual, domestic, etc. I've had a bit of the opposite problem - too many women who want it both ways, a tradional male who pays for most things (his money is 'our' money; her money is 'my' money, for example).

  • skeeter1

    THis morning on one of those morning talk shows, was some chick talking about her liking being submissive, and her proof of '17 years of marraige being proof that it was a good idea.' (There's alot of fallacy in that 17 year statement alone, and I just shook my head). Anyway, I think it was the Today Show. I overheard the male host while I was getting ready. He refused to comment, as it was a losing battle for him to comment. LOL.

  • 3rdgen

    In the late 70's there was a cigarette ad with the slogan: "You've come a long way baby!" I can't help but think of this when reading these comments basically saying that men are seldom enforcing their Bible sanctioned headship. Things have certainly changed from when I grew up. (which is good) My father was a dictator in our house. After a meeting or assem part on headship he was even worse. My mother chafed under his thumb and used passive-aggression to cope. Neither was happy least of all me!

  • TD
    I often see comments by ex-JWs that would suggest some men still view themselves as "head of the house". Sometimes comments from women appear to support the idea as well.

    I'm still inclined to quote Dickens:

    "...the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction.' 'If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble,… “the law is a ass—a idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is that his eye may be opened by experience—by experience.' ”

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