Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?

by jgnat 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hummingbird001

    Humbled: Jesus' teachings have been helpful--if you have ears to hear.

    See, that is the part that always sticks me like a knife in the gut. Either I agree that Jesus' teachings are helpful or......what? I'm a bad person? I'm stupid? I'm ungrateful? I'm immoral?

    What exactly are you saying?

  • zound

    Jesus had a sex orgy with mary in the apocryphia gospels. And killed a bunch of guys when he was a child according to them.

    But they didn't make the final cut for the bible..

  • confusedandalone

    Jesus gave zero fxxxx about you and your feelings. He never wrote anything down and never confirmed which words written about him were true.

    He just left it all up to uineducated people to figure it oput.

    Maybe he wasn't who he was suppose to be. He never spoke to people outside of the desert so he obviously didn't care about the rest of humanity until thousands of years worth of humans died.

    What an awesome guy

    [Edited for language - guideline 3 - jgnat]

  • jgnat

    Documentation, accuracy in language and citing sources are all obsessions of modern society, and were barely considered in the first century. True, the greek philosophers valued harmony, mathematical perfection, assuming the world would found to be so. But they weren't very careful about sources, either. Neither was Josephus.

    Hummingbird - deaf?

  • jgnat

    Anyone interested in exploring the sociological rather than the historical angle. Does the Jesus teachings as understood today helpful or harmful for modern nations?

  • Hummingbird001

    LOL Thank you, jgnat. I will arrange for a hearing assessment right away.

  • confusedandalone

    But j gnat Jesus was suppose to be god... he would understand the need for accuracy and possibly see the need to record life saving words 100 percent correctly. That would be the logical thing to do as a godman. It doesn't matter what was an obsession or not. If he was god or the son of God would thus guy have just done the intelligent then and record these things accurately? I mean it just seems like common sense

  • humbled


    "If you have ears to hear" isn't an insult to us, IMO. It is a phrase that shows up in the sayings of Jesus sometimes.

    I used it because I am disagreeing with cofty over a scripture from the gospel of Thomas.

    He maintains that Jesus' saying about women which he supplied in his post shows that Jesus was a misogynist.

    I maintain that the scripture expresses the equal value of women to men--a concept completely foreign in Jewish society at that time.

    Who is right? The one who has ears to hear :)

    Maybe cofty is right. Who will judge?

    Each of us has to decide for ourselves. It is an odd saying.

  • humbled


    Do you think it would help if Jesus wrote an accurate gospel?

    If he did, the churches would burn it up--first thing. Or better yet: have someone anointed explain it to us.

  • jgnat

    I am put off by that phrase too, especially if I am in the midst of a lively argument. Saying so is calling the opponent deaf.

    Here's another biblical phrase that may apply. Logs and slivers.

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