If you have ears to hear.
It reminds me of this. I remember once I went to a free group session for some kind of meditation thing. They took you through various stages of raising your energy through each chokra and then releasing it through the top of your head.
You were meant to be able to put your open hand above your head (or someone elses) and feel a wind like sensation on your hand of the negative energy escaping from your body.
At this time I was completely non skeptical - I was trying to do all the stages correctly and really wanted it to work. Everyone else in the room were saying they could feel this sensation, but I couldn't - though I was trying to. They kept saying, it's a very subtle feeling (almost indistinguishable to no feeling at all), and putting their hand over my head and saying that they could feel my negative energy releasing.
The bottom line is I just couldn't say that I felt it when I didn't - so then they said, that I will get it eventually, I'm just not in touch with my essence at the moment. I need to relearn how to FEEL. Keep trying and I will get it. I'm 'feeling, but not FEELING'.
At this stage I'm tired of people making believe and telling me that I'm just doing it wrong.