Why say Jehovah anymore?

by Bang 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace! Sorry for the delay in responding, but had major surgergy recently, ignored doctor's orders for proper recupe' period, went back to life/work WAY too soon, and well... had a little 'meltdown'. Ya'll understand...

    Anyway, Yeru... may you and yours have peace... and sorry, I have no proof other than what my Lord said to me, what I 'heard' from him. The 'proof' is out there, as it always is... for 'all things are written' with regard to truth. Just not necessarily in the 'bible'. Truly, though, it is seldom me that finds it, but some other who brings it to my attention. I do not need a second witness, for I put faith in the thing 'heard'. However, I will ask on YOUR behalf that such proof shows itself... in order to increase YOUR faith. As to when or it will, however, I cannot say. The 'Discovery Channel' perhaps? Or National Geographic? (I am being serious, you know; you'd be surprised at what archeologists and others 'dig' up!)

    KP, peace to you... and forgive me, but haven't we had this discussion already, about 'how' I 'hear'? Yes, I hear it audibly, per se, but not PHYSICALLY. I speak to my Lord and my Father from in front of the place from above which they speak to me: the 'ark' of MY Covenant with them... my HEART... that which is above all else to be closely guarded. Since I am a 'living stone' in the 'temple' of God... and the 'kingdom is in [my] midst'... it is usually INSIDE me (no, not in my head) that such discussions take place... EXCEPT those times when 'someone' appears to me. That tends to be 'outside' me; however, I am 'in the spirit' (Rev. 4:2), so I am not sure if that explains it. Oh, and I HAVE 'recorded' some of our conversations... many right here on jw.com. Do you not 'hear' me when I say it is what my Lord has said to ME? I don't speak to myself, dear one, but share that which I 'hear' spoken TO me, by him.

    Such hearing is accomplished by means of the 'gift' given me through holy spirit, 'discernment of inspired utterances.' And no, it is not only God and Christ that I 'hear'; I hear many spirits. And since I know that not ALL inspired utterances 'originate with God', I must, on occasion, 'test the [inspired] (spirit originated or "in the spirit") utterance, so as not to be misled.

    To the rest of you, the Scriptures (vs. the Bible) DOES have God's name written therein. Since the "Scriptures" are Moses, Psalms, the Prophets and the Revelation, and all "scripture" is "inspired of God", you should be able to locate God's TRUE name somewhere in them, yes? That which is at Exodus 6:3, 2 and Psalm 83:18, however, have been changed to accommodate the erroneous 'whim' of earthling man. BUT... NOT that which is at Psalm 68:4.

    Want "proof" of God's name? Okay, try this:

    The Bible Name, The Pronunciation, The Definition

    Elijah "Ee-ly-juh" in English; "My God (Eli) is Jah" -
    (Eli-Jah) "Ee-lee-yah" in Hebrew "Eli, Eli (my God, my God,
    lama sabach thani?"

    Abijah "Uh-by-juh" in English; "my Father (abi) is Jah"
    (Abi-Jah) "Aa-bi-yah" in Hebrew "Abba (abi)" - "Father!"

    Hallelujah "haa-lay-lu-yah" in "praise (hallel) you (u),
    English; "aa-lay-lu-yah" Jah!"
    in Hebrew

    Joel "Joe-el" in English "Jah is God (el)"
    "Yah-el" in Hebrew

    JahEshua "Joh-shua" in English "Jah saves" or
    "Yah-e-Shua" in Hebrew "Jah is salvation"

    Then you have:

    Nehemiah (nee-uh-my-yah)
    Zechariah (zak-uh-ry-yah)
    Josiah (jo-sy-uh (Eng.); yo-sy-yah (Heb.))
    Obadiah (O-bi-dy-yah)

    yada, yada, yada... (pun intended).

    You see, it is the PHONETICS that makes us same the name correctly, and NOT the erroneous placement of vowels between consonants. The letter "j" in the HEBREW alphabet is a 'yodh' or 'johd' (pronounced 'yod' or 'yude', in a breathy kind of way. (I know, I know... scholars say it's a "y", so who am I to say it is, in truth, a "j"? Well, Capurnicus said the earth was one planet among others which revolved, in a system, around the sun... and the 'scholars' had a FIT! Even when Galileo produced a telescope many years later to PROVE it!)

    Anyway, we who speak the English language tend the call their "j" a "y" simply because some scholar decided it was so, because its sound SOUNDS like a "y". Therefore, to them, it must BE a "y" (looks like a duck!). But if you look at the Hebrew alphabet CAREFULLLY and compare to the English, you will see that it is in fact a "j". You know, how YahEshua (Joshua) crossed the Yarden (Jordan) after bringing down the walls of Yerichoh (Jericho)...?

    Anyway, I did not learn Hebrew from earthling man, but from the originator of the language, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, through holy spirit, by means of His Son and Christ, my Lord JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... in that it is what it is when I 'hear' him... when he SPEAKS it to me... and then tells me to 'listen' to his voice as he does.

    I hope this helps.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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