God creates 1 man, not 1 million, not 1 thousand, not 5, God creates 1 man and allow the actions of this 1 man to create a scenario where his UNIVERSAL sovereignty is at issue.
Now remember, God created 100's of millions of angels. These angels were not judged by the actions of one angel named Satan. There perfection stayed intact and their submission to universal sovereignty was never questioned.
Okay okay, angels aside, we now have billions of humans that have to be judged by their actions because one human bound them to sin. Okay so, god sends Jesus to REDEEM ALL of mankind.
Oops, not ALL, only those who are judged worthy of being redeemed. How are they judged worthy. Well for 1900 years they didn't have to worry about it because if they died they paid for Adam's sin with their death and get a resurrection, where they will be judged on their own accord according to how they react to having to submit themselves to god.
Okay, so now in the 20th century they are judged by how they react to the faithful and discreet slave, unless of course they die before Armageddon, then they revert to the same condition as all the rest of the dead.
If, however, they happen to be living when God brings Judgement they will be judged on how they react to the collapse of the world system of things. Of course, they will have had to have met and studied thoroughly with JWs in order to understand what they are supposed to do. If they are ignorant, well, bad luck for them. If however, they live in the United States or Western Europe they will have had a good chance of learning these things.
Then Jehovah kills everybody except those who make the right choice at Armageddon and do not worship the wild beast.
Then Jehovah resurrects everybody who was not alive a Armageddon and gives them a chance to learn about him in paradisaic conditions
Makes sense to me