by You Know 150 Replies latest social current

  • LizardSnot

    Jehovah's witness are under attack...not because of them being persecuted for their belief in Jehovah...they are under attack for
    disobeying the "laws of the land" with regards to their harboring pedofiles and not reporting them to the authorities.

    How is reporting pedofiles to the police going against God's organization?

    The current attack on the WTBTS has nothing to do with the end times persecution that the JW's have always been hoping and waiting has to do with their failure to comply with basic and moral laws that have set up in our country.
    If they think this is the beginnings of Armageddon...they aint seen nothing yet.


  • You Know
    You Know
    It's tragic that your cult encourages parents to force their children into performing uncompensated labor on its behalf (i.e. "going out in service").

    More silliness. What are you advocating, that volunteeers get paid? No, of course not. You are simply against any sort of expression of Christ's ministry.

    It's tragic that your cult encourages parents to beat their children (e.g., "spare the rod, spoil the child." Beatings were permitted to occur on Kingdom Hall property).
    Oh, brother. Another whining generation Xer. LOL

    It's also extremely tragic that many folks have given their lives due to a blood policy that is illogical and inconsistent (e.g., blood transfusions forbidden, organ tranplants ok, but organ tranplants can be done without the inclusion of some of the donor's blood).
    Standing up for ones beliefs, and dying if necessary, is not tragic at all. It is a victory for the faith. / You Know
  • 144thousand_and_one
    What are you advocating, that volunteeers get paid? - - You Know

    A volunteer is not someone who acts under the threat of a severe beating. I guess you would probably have called Kunta Kinte a volunteer also.

    Oh, brother. Another whining generation Xer. LOL
    Fortunately, I'm not related to you, so don't refer to me as your "brother." Save that for your fellow cult members.

    As for your "LOL" in regards to child abuse, child abuse is no laughing matter. You must be a real sicko. Do you have any kids, and if so, do you beat them? If your answer is in the affirmative, I hope some day they grow up to beat you to a pulp and use your grave as a toilet.

    I see you have no answer for the inconsistency in the blood policy. Keep on following your illogical and foolish cult, all the way to kingdumb hell.

  • 144thousand_and_one
    [RE: JWS DYING OVER BLOOD ISSUE] Standing up for ones beliefs, and dying if necessary, is not tragic at all. It is a victory for the faith. / You Know

    So, your cult considers it a victory when its members die needlessly as a result of an inconsistent and ridiculous policy? Get to the KoolAid stand, I think there's some cherry cyanide flavor waiting just for you.

  • You Know
    You Know
    As for your "LOL" in regards to child abuse, child abuse is no laughing matter. You must be a real sicko.

    I wasn't laughing at child abuse. I was laughing at your silliness of equating discipline with child abuse. / You Know

  • 144thousand_and_one
    I was laughing at your silliness of equating discipline with child abuse. / You Know

    You Know,

    Expecting toddlers to sit still for hours of mindless, boring programming and beating them severely for not doing so is not discipline. It is child abuse, and you can attempt to otherwise characterize this abuse, but your characterization will only be accepted by others within your extremist cult who are either ignorant of the basic needs of all children or are criminally disposed.

    The ironic aspect of our discussion is that you present my case better than I ever could. Among other things, you've described needless death as a "victory" for your cult, you've equated coerced servitude of exploited children to "volunteerism," and you've described child abuse as "discipline." Do you have any understanding of how this reflects upon your own personal character?

    Keep writing; the more you write, the more others will see how despicable your cult really is.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Expecting toddlers to sit still for hours of mindless, boring programming and beating them severely for not doing so is not discipline.

    Maybe you could start up a movement called the Silent Marsupials or something, devoted to all the little kiddies who were prevented by their cruel JW parents from watching Saturday morning cartoons.

    / You Know

  • ChuckD


    I asked this question of you a while back, and received no reply.

    Do you have children of your own?

    For the record, I do; a 19-yo son majoring in engineering at Northeartern University, and a lovely 22 year old daughter. I am as proud as could be of them both.


  • 144thousand_and_one
    Maybe you could start up a movement called the Silent Marsupials or something, devoted to all the little kiddies who were prevented by their cruel JW parents from watching Saturday morning cartoons.

    You Know,

    Did they program you to laugh and make light of child abuse at your cult's "service meeting?" The more you post on this site, the more folks can see what a sick person you are.

    The Koolaid stand awaits, partake freely of the cyanide-citrus mixture. Remember the sign at Jonestown: "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it."

  • You Know
    You Know
    Did they program you to laugh and make light of child abuse at your cult's "service meeting?"

    I don't think you get it. I am not laughing at child abuse. I am making fun of you personally. / You Know

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