Just out of spooky coincidence, I have just posted to the "thank God for Y K" thread that this was the conclusion I had come to when I arrived at this board.
by You Know 150 Replies latest social current
He claims he is a witness with special dispensation to be here to try and protect witnesses who might wander in here or to convince the one or two ex witnesses here who may listen to him.
You Know
Dear Inbetween
I have been lurking on this board a long time and have seen your posts, I have been talking to my family for some time, telling them of the things I have discovered on this board, obviously they are upset, they feel this board is the worst possible place I could be, conversing with ex - JW's.
It may well be the worst possible thing, as regards your faith, and your family is rightly concerned. But the fact is, you are here. For whatever reason, you have taken it upon yourself to listen to the issues that apostates have raised. When faced with things that challenge our faith there are two courses we can take. We can capitulate, or we can resolve our issues. There is a saying that what doesn't kill me will make me stronger, so in that respect, while many have had their faith wrecked by apostasy, others who have been exposed have come away stronger in their faith. I would only hope to inspire others to "put up a hard fight for the faith." It's basically up to you. What I have found, and I have been at this over 5 years now, is that some Witnesses are inwardly looking for something to stumble over and are very grateful to find a community of fellow stumblees that serve as a support group. So it will be interesting to see how you handle it.I told them that it is not just "apostates" on this board, but people from other religions, bible researchers, atheists, even Jehovahs Witnesses.
Well, it's a mess there's no question about it. But, it is not a whole lot diferent in the truth. There are people living double lives and faithless ones and outright apostates on all levels of the organization. That's what Paul had to put up with when we said that he "was in dangers from false brothers." Many of the apostates on this board still go to meetings and associate with family, and mingle with the friends, unbeknowest to the unsuspecting and trusting brothers at the hall. And, yet, if any Witnesses opposses their deceit on the Internet they would be branded as an apostate. So, it really can be a topsy-turvy thing and confusing to those uninitiated. Jude warned Christians about apostate elders that lurked like rocks below the waterline. Some of the apostate posters on this board are currently, or in the past were, appointed servants in the congregations even though they were secretly working as enemy agents. So, that's just the reality of the situation. Going forward I think many of our dear friends are going to be shocked out of their minds when they realize that apostasy has effected the upper most levels of the organization.My mother refused to believe me. She said that there is absolutely no way a Jehovahs Witness would be talking to apostates, especially on a forum devoted to apostasy.
"Talking to apostates" is a bit misleading. That gives the impression that we are having a friendly little chat. But, take for example Job: He sat in the company of his apostate accusers for several days debating the issues at hand, he even did a fair bit of name-calling. LOL Paul had frequent encounters with apostate Judaizers, and shortly after his anointing the account says he engaged opposers in disputing. Jesus is the ultimate: He "talked" to the Devil himself. In fact, they had quite a little exchange in the wilderness, until, of course, Jesus said: "Go away Satan." On another occasion Jesus and Satan had a heated dispute about the dispositon of Moses' dead body. Yet, Paul wrote, "what harmony is there between Christ and Belial...and what portion does a faithful peron have with an unbeliever." So, to say that one of Jehovah's Witnesses is talking to apostates doesn't give the correct picture. Over the years I have given the apostate comunity a lot of grief and I have persuaded some, not many, but some, to remain in the truth. On another forum they were always scheming up something to try and silence me. So, I reject any accusation that I have any harmony or brotherly fellowship with apostates."Because if any other witnesses accidentally got on the forum and read it, they would think it was o.k to talk to apostates because this person is - this is one of the very clever techniques apostates use to get witnesses out of the truth."
So why haven't you listened to your dear mother? Instead you are talking to the very guy whom you think is a very clever apostate. The truth is, what your mom says is true, in that I am not setting the best example. But, again, you made the decision to lurk on the forum, so you bear the brunt of responsibility. So, the other side of the coin, though, is that people like yourself are going to be here with or without me. So, from my standpoint, as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, it is simply not acceptable to walk away and allow apostates to have their way with those who are my brothers and sisters. Proverbs 24:11 speaks to me when it says: "Deliver those who are being taken away to death; and those staggering to the slaughter, O may you hold them back. In case you should say: "Look! We did not know of this," will not he himself that is making an estimate of hearts discern it..."Paul said that to the weak he became weak. Well, following that principle, to the apostate, I have become an apostate. Not that I consider myself such at all, but, I have taken the time to understand their issues. I do think that the Watchtower is guilty of setting numerous stumbling blocks before the brothers, so in that respect I think we owe those who have been stumbled and who are stumbling at least something in the way of discussing the issues over which they have stumbled.
/ You Know
You Know,
You are disgusting.
Job and Paul and Jesus did not go seeking the company of apostates and opposers, they dealt with them when they came into their lives to try and stumble them.
We did not come to you. You came to us. You are an ass. You come here for your own self promotion. That is the most important thing to you.
You do not come to discuss matters with people who have stumbled. You come here to pick at the scabs of those whose hearts and souls have been scraped and cut by Watchtower policy and doctrine.
You scratch us and then laugh at us when we bleed.
You are of the lowest sort of man.
You Know
You are disgusting.
LOL. That should help to lay to rest the confusion in our young friends mind about me being buddies with apostates.
Job and Paul and Jesus did not go seeking the company of apostates and opposers, they dealt with them when they came into their lives to try and stumble them.
You are wrong. In Jesus' case anyway, it says that the holy spirit led him into the Wilderness for the express purpose that he be tempted by the Devil.We did not come to you. You came to us. You are an ass. You come here for your own self promotion. That is the most important thing to you.
The thing is, Simon's little dog and pony show forum advertises itself as being a place for all interested parties to discuss issues relevant to Jehovah's Witnesses. And that's what I am. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. And, yet, you say I am not welcome here. LOL It reveals what total fraud the whole thing is.You do not come to discuss matters with people who have stumbled. You come here to pick at the scabs of those whose hearts and souls have been scraped and cut by Watchtower policy and doctrine.
How can you say that? I have patiently tried to reason with you and answer questions you and others have posed to me. Besides, no one forces you to read my posts. There are many on this board that know better than to click on a post that has YK's name on it because they know by now what I am all about. If you find my posts offensive simply stop reading them.You scratch us and then laugh at us when we bleed.
My advice to you is what Christ said to Saul on the road to Damascus: "To keep kicking against the goads makes it painful for you."You are of the lowest sort of man.
I don't take any of this personal. And neither should you./ You Know
I don't take it personally.
I'm just not going to let you get away with saying you are here to help people, when clearly, with your condescending attitude, name calling and peppering of LOL's you prove that you are here for self aggrandizement and amusement.
If you presented your side of the discussion in a serious and informing tone I would have no issue with you.
You come here because you can prance about and use hyperbole and bullying language and feel some form of power.
You are pitiable for sure.
You Know
I'm just not going to let you get away with saying you are here to help people, when clearly, with your condescending attitude, name calling and peppering of LOL's you prove that you are here for self aggrandizement and amusement.
So, then, we are straight about one thing, that I am not one of you. I certainly hope that clears up any confusion. LOL / You Know
You are certainly not like me.
I care about what happens to the people in the Watchtower Society and the people on this message board.
You belong to neither group. You are in your own pompous assed group of one.
Will Power
Good morning YK
Many of the apostates on this board still go to meetings and associate with family, and mingle with the friends, unbeknowest to the unsuspecting and trusting brothers at the hall.
I am assuming you still go to meetings as this would be an indication of your strong faith as well as door-to-door service which is commanded in your bible.
Your trusting brothers, do they suspect you harbor ideas contrary to Jehovah's Organization's teachings? Many times on this board you have voiced opinions not in line with current WT ideas and use the "wait on Jehovah" or "Jehovah will cleanse his own" (in his own time). Such "thinking" (which is the same as verbalizing) and the use of this board is exactly what the WT includes in its trumped up definition of apostasy.Remember the rule:
Loyalty to the organization is more important than the truthNow there is quite a bit of double speak in this rule don't you think?
You know says he is loyal to the concept "Jehovah's" organization, not men, giving it a loyalty to "god" quality. This stance has its advantages since god is not supposed to be able to lie.That loyalty, (to god) is more important than the truth.
Now the truth. Is that truth based on actual facts or is that the "synonym" for the WT teachings as well as the "society" in general, that they throw around to give it a sense of credibility?What the WT would call "disloyalty" to the organization would be going against the society's current teachings which is called the truth[tm], but in most cases, is synonymous with loyalty to fact based truth.
This disloyalty would be a charge of apostasy, when in fact a person's loyalty to actual fact is never considered. Now if it is impossible for god to lie then siding with the society(truth-tm) would be going against god.(truth) Yet they call going against the WT apostasy, which means turning against god.
In other words, the WT is godThis is how YK can get away with saying that he follows god not men while at the same time promoting WT dribble.
The double think, double speak is so deeply intertwined, only a suberbly superior devious and mischievious mind could have all loose ends tied up, forever bringing you back to the beginning, only to start the cirle all over again. I wonder if their is a god (since there are many) in charge of mischief? Oh look, strong's word 1943 'hovah means mischief, what a coincidence esp. since the "name" is so important.
I would only hope to inspire others to "put up a hard fight for the faith." It's basically up to you.
i know someone who lurked on h20, as a baptized witness mind you, that had read some of yks writings at the time. i asked her, what did you think of yk, as a lurker? i was admittedly curious to know if jw lurkers realize he is insane, as we "apostates" obviously realize this. she said he seemed to be a pompous man that posted crazy predictions on a regular basis, and then slammed anyone(with personal attacks) who posted against him. she said she considered him to be a few cards short of a full deck, and ignored most of his posts because he was "a joke"(and all the while questioned whether he was an actual witness or simply a bold-faced liar). lol, well i guess that about sums it up, hey? the only thing yk inspires for lurkers is apparently nausea.