The Biggest Fear From The Watchtower Organization Is ???

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    EDUCATION should be added to the list.

    Damn near 100% of youths who go to university will learn to critically examine the WTS and off come the blinders.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    That someone will walk in on Gerrit Losch masturbating.

  • sir82

    Oh great, now how am I supposed to get THAT image out of my head now?

  • SAHS

    “sir82”: “ By far ( FAR ) the most common topic in the Watchtower is "OBEY the governing body or God will kill you".”

    That’s about it. Now it’s always, “Obey, obey, OBEY!” This constant need they have to reassert their authority is an obvious indication that that is their primary focus and that their hold on the masses is slipping. After all, those masses are not as misinformed and gullible as pre-Internet days. It looks to me that the WTS leadership is feeling cornered – just like David Koresh in his little Branch Dividians clubhouse. I’m just waiting for the final showdown with the fireworks at Patterson or Warwick. It’ll be something for us “apostates” to watch on CNN with some popcorn.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Independent thinking...

  • steve2


    Yes - the biggest fear of the Watchtower organization is member apathy. The very top of the list. The biggest ever fear.

    Why should the GB be worried about independent thinking when very few have the ability to engage in it? By contrast, untold numbers have drifted away from active involvement in the organization because they were bored out of their half-stupified brains. You can control most things but it is hard to stifle a yawn.

  • westiebilly11

    listen..obey.....and be stressed.....

  • Finkelstein

    Answer = Education and information coming from places like the inter-net.

    The inter-net is doing a good job of exposing the long list of commercialized fraud of which

    this organization has put out toward the public in the last century.

    Only problem is that there are poor third world countries who still don't have wide spread


  • SAHS

    “steve2”: “Yes - the biggest fear of the Watchtower organization is member apathy. The very top of the list. The biggest ever fear.”

    I don’t understand how that could be. . . . . . Oh, what were we talking about again? . . . I forgot. . . . Ah, who cares.

  • Syme

    Apathy, I too think.

    One the one hand, apathy inside the org: time is passing, more are getting too tired waiting for an ever-coming End. Humanity is not going into chaos, but getting better and better, regardless (and in contrast to) 'prophecies'.

    One the other hand, apathy inside, means apathy in preaching. I see this happening worldwide (yearbook): too many wasted hours of preaching, for so few results. I see it also in my cong and town: a lot of hours in the field, with practically zero results. Preaching has been degraded to a mere distribution of brochures and magazines advertizing a website.

    So I think stagnation is on the corner. Control, however, will continue to exist in the remaining 'faithfuls'. The GB has nothing to fear of people who willingly (and unwittingly) find joy in being called "sheep", and competing each other who is going to be more obedient.

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