Bill Bowens Trail of Naivete

by Psychdigg 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • outcast

    Buh bye!

    hmmm, I wonder if that was the 22 year old who gave the talk?

  • ashitaka

    hahahahaha, hijacked thread trick works again

  • waiting
    As for Bill's passion and personality coming through during this whole pedophilia travesty; I can only say that people who don't develope a passionate hatred for the WT organization (once exposed to the facts) are lacking both in passion, and in sense of justice. - 6

    Fine quote. Fine way to end a fishing expedition - keep the King Fish free to do his own work. Dumb dubs.


  • Princess

    Glad he's gone. How come no one mentioned anyone who could figure out who Bill was talking about would have a lot of explaining to do regarding their sources?

    Love the hijacking. Well done everyone!


  • sf





    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • orangefatcat

    Broom Hilda and whats your name physco way don't the two of you get off your high and mighty horse. The two of you are dead beats and you think you are so scanctimonious!!Why don't you get yourself a life and get lost we don't need you in here.
    Thank God someone has the courage to protect the innocence of Children.
    Hooray for Bill and all who expose the corruption within an organization that is falling down on its ass.

  • arachnia

    Hey Psychodigg and Hilda, how's the weather in New York? Are you upstate or looking out at the Manhattan skyline? So, things must be pretty tense at HQ, huh? I mean, what else could merit this sort of attack on one of the nerve centers of support for the expose of WT policy on child molestation?

    Personal attacks and Red Herrings. Ah, two of the hallmarks of a desperate (and ineffective) defense. If you had a valid argument, you would not have to resort to logical fallacies such as these.

    Back to the drawing board, children.


    Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
    -Kahlil Gibran

  • simplesally

    Buh bye......

    Isn't that from Saturday Night Live? I love that show!

    Buh bye psycho and hildy!

  • Psychdigg


    There are two different arguments going on here.

    1. Since Bill Bowen behaves hypocritically THEREFORE he is a hypocrite. (That's my argument)

    2. Jehovah's Witnesses are a hot bed of child molestation. (Bills Argument)

    Bill Bowen makes inuendos & spins scenarios of the percentage of JW's that are molesters. He has no absolute numbers. Are some who claim to be JW's molesters?. Yes. Is it as bad as Bill Bowen claims? Without hard evidence NO!!. The only reason you accept such false claims is because you are blinded by your hatred of the Watchtower organization.

  • Gozz


    You say Bill Bowen has no absolute numbers. Do you? But then you conclude that he doesn't, and that in capitals. See, it's either you have the numbers and put them up here (you must have access to them since you're so sure it's not as bad as Bill says), or you return to your masters.

    Jehovah's Witnesses condemn child molestation. They have policies that protects child molesters. Bill is saying this is wrong. And he's got people, real people who've been abused to challenge the position. You have a problem with that? Are you afraid of the aftermath of the child molestation thing? You have anything to hide or anyone to protect? Produce hard facts of Bill Bowen's hypocricy, and stop personal attacks. He's got enough motivation for what he's doing; you don't like it, so what?

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