Everyone is intiteled to their own veiws and oppinions he has expressed hi and I will now express mine.
1) Bill Bowen should be disfelloshipped because hes a rotten apostate.Look hes even been giving out personal information about members of his congregation. A poor 22+ year old man now will be subject to redicule because of his lack of intregity.
You do have a point in respect to the example Bill used to demonstrate hypocrisy within the JW organisation.
Now that Bill is really faymous that poor 22+ year old kid may have some of his dirty laundry aired.
I think Bill should anwser this for himself.
Right now though I can say that:
He never named names and it was just an example of personal difficulties he faced involving morality issues within the JW organisation. I dont think that it was meant to hurt the man personally and I never even thought about it untill you brought it up. Probally only his congregation members would have known about this thats if they read Bill material in the first place.
Bill Bowen has revealed his identity to the piblic and now has the WT legal depeartment down his throat. The legal department of a milti Billion dollar $$$ publishing corperation. Not exactly the mest of situations to be in.
There is no way I could see any JW apologist claiming the moral high ground in this incodent. To discredit him they would have to have something seriously incrimanating to even dent his reputation in the eyes of the public now.
They inforce a policy that protects pedophiles. And simply because he has the testicular fortitude to speake out about this in the hopes of protecting a few children he has to be shoot down because in the process he makes the JW religion look bad?
In regards to him in the process making the JW religious leades that inforce this policy look bad
I see your argument as this-
1) JWs are Gods Organisation therefore anyone who dares bring reproach unto his name let him be dammed.
2) THe Watchtower has steriotyped the characteristics of shuch people who decide to speak out against organisational policys/doctrine and labeled them as:
a) Looking for self glorification;
b) Spritually weak;
c) Turned their back on God Almighty;
d) Prone to immorality;
This can be easily be proven false by actually examing the character of many shuch individuals who take shuch stands in the first place and not solely relying on Watchtower says about them.
The large mulitnational corporations launch extensive PR programmes to discredit is activits who try to speak out about the micheif that goes on behind the scenes away from the eye of the public and WT operates no differently. Just because it has the label of a religion dosent necissarily prevent it from using underhanded,dirty tacktics to maintain their image and prevent loss of revenue.
Think bout Theocratic War Stragety which allows Witnesses to lie to anyone who they think dosent deserv to know the truth.
Let me quickly rebute this WT propagated myth.
a) Looking for self glorification.
This seems to be the typical WT rethoric.
If Bill Bowen wanted a name for himself all he would have had to do is remain a Witness elder and raise himself up within its ranks. From your perspective as a Witness what could be more glorifying than a high ranking position in Gods organisation here on Earth. Especially sooo deeeep in these last days.
The man gave up all he has known in his life as a Witness simply because he could not bare to think about anymore poor little children be abused and further humilated by an organisational policy which in effect call them liars when they seek help from authority within their congregation.
Now he probally has to face death threats, hate mail, shunning from his family and the dreaded WT legal department as soon as they get something on him.
But all he would have had to have done is remain a Witness and keep scilent and this would never had happened. He would still be in good standing.
Why do you continue along these lines of argument when they can so easily be disproved?
It dosent make sense to say that Bil was after power judging from the results that he has attained.
b) Spritually weak:
Anyone in disagreement with and furthermore speaking out about policys propagated by Gods visible organisation here on earth must be spritually weak! The nerve of those people bringing reproach upon Jehoavh's name.
I do not know what exactly is going on inside Bill's heart and therefore I cannot judge him there but I can definately judge his actions.
The man stands to loose everything for the sake of protecting children.
Wouldent Jesus be proud?
c) Turned his back on God Almighty:
Anyone who dears bring up arms against one of the Watchtowers policys and takes matters into their own hands has ineffect turned their back on God. He should have been humble enough to have faith and Waith On Jehovah. Who does he think he is to run aheaad of the Lord?
JWs like to quote the book of James pretty often saying it speaks alot about faith and Works.
Here is one ot their favourites.
"Faith without Works is Dead!"
So let me see... Jehovah will make everthing all better by himself without working through or using an individual to get the job done right? We dont need to do anything all we gotta do is ask and we shall recieve. One day Jehovah will make everything all better no need to force change after all who are you to modify gods laws.
Bill was just supposed to stand there do nothing and Watch while all the little guys and gals get preyed apon by the JW pedophiles who also have the liberty of going door to door. All he had to do was pray and then one day soon everything will be ok.
To this kinda reasoning I say: dont go to work... when you need your pay cheque so that you can put food on the table, fil the as tank pay the bills and pay for Watchtowers and Awakes! just pray that Jehovah will provide.
d) Prone to immorality:
Im pretty shure that anything Bill does from here on that could even be considered to be immoral will find its way in to the hands of the piblic. He is a celebrety now after all. Well at least within the JW community.
I alos wouldent be surprised if the WT's confedintial file that they have on him somehow becomes public knowledge.
As soon as he slips up the WT will be shure to catch him him.
Not to mention JW appoligist lke yourself who will bring to light any fault that they find.
And theres always the ones who will fabricate stories to discredit him.
In Summary
1) You dont like Bill because he makes the Watchtower look bad and have therefore labeled him with the usual JW mark of bad association, looking for power, greed, spritually weak, turned his back on JEhovah prone to immorality...
You have misrepresented his argument by stating that his numbers are not accurate. He has no solid facts to support his claims.
That may be so but it is the POLICY that has created the porblem in the first place. It is the WT that has created a haven for pediophiles.
But i'm shure that your kids are truly safe when they go to meetings judging from the small number of reported incodences of pediopheila within Gods organisation.
2) This logic dosent stand up to scrutiany because we have BOE letters which show that the policy does infact exist.
From Bills actions we can all see that he is a very courageous individual.
3) The WT was worried about the bad PR that the reporting of pedipheila woul have on the organisation so they tried to cover it up.
But as a result it has made international news which is the worst PR that the JWs could expect to indure.
Wouldent you say it serves them right?
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.