Nanny state or what!!!someone at the Borg is in the money or serious ass kissing.
Bizarre comment about at SAD
by sir82 76 Replies latest jw friends
when in, I type jw.
It brings up the listing and sub listing for
Isn't it worrysome that one needs a loving provision for safety?
As for it being a special arrangement with Google, that is a lie.
type mw. and it brings up merriam webster the same way.
That would apply to any 2 letter domains, or any domains that are known by the letters typed in then a dot.
not sure if this is just for me or because I'm in the uk or if they're personalised or what.
i tried to post a picture but it won't let me. First result was, second was jwfacts, then some video about a couple that has left the org
When I type in "jw." without hitting ENTER "" is the first result followed my ""
If I hit ENTER after typing in "jw." all I get is a satanic cult's apostate website
Simon Morley
A deal with Google? Utter crap!!. As already mentioned putting the "." in simply narrows the search engine - returns are only those that match the input, which in this case is "JW.". This is yet another control ploy to keep any internet experience narrowed and limited - the nimnul from bethel is playing a game 'we went to all this bother and work to help you all out so please do not put anything other than JW. into your search engine"
Can you see this going over well in the FS? "please only type in JW. as there are other sites that are are not good for you"
breakfast of champions
Naahhhh. .. . They're not a cult. . .
It's not a provision outta love
It's about control
The sheep have to pay for thier own internet, But
It's the WTS that regulate how they use it
I typed "Catholic" into Google, the first site was "" (not the Vatican)
Then, I typed "lds" , the first site was "", the official site for the Mormons.
Then, I searched "target", the first site was "", the official website for Target stores.
Now, I don't really know how Google works, I'm just guessing, but it seems logical that if there is an "official" organization represented by a word, that would be the first up. Maybe they trademarked the jw acronym? That would ensure that would be first up? Or maybe it's just logical: jw=jehovah's witness, website of jehovah's witnesses.
Just my 2 cents
Dangerous... Dangerous game they are playing...They are swimmimg in shark-infested waters on the internet.
The GB is encouraging their members to use the internet more and more. This of course to save money on printing and use the net as a marketing medium. But every time their little guppies go online - there lies the slim chance that they stumble onto an apostate shark that will devour them in a moment's notice!
They will probably continue to expand the app's capabilities to avoid people going on the wild worldly internet.