Bizarre comment about at SAD
by sir82 76 Replies latest jw friends
Searching WITHOUT "personal results" gives me this website as #7 when typing "Jehovah's Witnesses"
Yeah, I suspected that was just the way it works.
But the speaker definitely wanted to give the impression that this was something out-of-the-ordinary, and that Bethel heavies had maneuvered it into being.
Was he able to provide scriptural support to show that the brothers and sisters should not "double click." TTATT is just one more click away. But they will never get there if the don't do the 2nd click.
"And the brothers at headquarters have made it very safe for you to go to our website. In fact, the brothers talked to the folks at Google,
and they made a special arrangement so that when you type in 'J W period' into the Google search engine,
it automatically shows you the website. Isn't that a loving provision for our safety?"
.................I typed in Meat....................................Type in Watchtower Popes..Go to images..
I automaticly got WebSites about Meat...............Order 8 WBT$ Popes and Google gives you..
...................Pictures too......................................................A Catholic Pope for Free..
The WBT$ is Run by Idiots..
Dangerous... Dangerous game they are playing...They are swimmimg in shark-infested waters on the internet.
Absolutely correct! The internet is the natural enemy of the WTBTS.
There is an abundance of food at the proper time LOL!
The rank and file are now officaly open to the joy and and not so joyful internet filled with information.......about everything including the WT. A JW doesn't have to search for this site just see a topic that is being discussed and with one click they are reading what we are writing.
We don't know or care they are lurking but for seconds, minutes or hours they will learn TTATT.
keyser soze
Isn't that a loving provision for our safety?
Not to mention for the countless JWs who are completely deficient in computer literacy.
I'm half expecting an eventual release of an Internet filter made by the Society that blocks anything Witness-related that isn't
I understood that for a fee any organization can bring their website to the top on Google. Considering the jws that supposedly accidentally find porn sites, I'm sure the same power will accidently bring up ex-jw sites.
but the prefilled search topics in the dropdown as you are typing are all "safe" despite their being apostate stuff on the actual search page.