What I find confusing - and this coming from a guy with few computer skills. Just say Ford Motor company made bad cars, and we're just getting slammed on the net. Easy solve they think, we'll just go and pay off Google so anytime someone types in Ford. only glowing reports come up. OMG the the ramifications for that would be fatal especially in an environment of free speech.
Bizarre comment about jw.org at SAD
by sir82 76 Replies latest jw friends
Well it appears something fishy is going on. When I type "JW." on my samsung phone there is nothing anti WT on the front page, and yet if I do the same thing on my iPad JWfacts comes up directly under JW.org. It appears freedom of speech can be brought with a price. Ok I accept that JW.org would get the most traffic so hence it's first position, but I would also say the anti- witness sites would also get a fair amount of traffic as well, so hence a couple of clicks away. I don't know how they have done it.
The guy doesn't know what he is talking about. What happens in Google Chrome is that if you have visited a site before, it appears in the type ahead results. Because he has visited jw.org more than any other site starting with jw, it now appears as soon as he types the jw.
You cannot pay Google to be top of the search list, but you can pay to be in the Google's ad related results. Their algorithm is based on a large number of factors, including your website history, cookies, location, and demographics if you are logged in. It also shows related searches based on what other people are searching on.
Who would search for jw. in a search engine anyway?
I get similar results in almost any search engine I use. duckduckgo, dogpile, bing, google etc
I get the feeling that putting the dot at the end just tells the search engine to search all the extensions .com, .org, .gov etc and return the most comon one if it finds one.
Yahoo also returned and advertisement for jwmatch.com. I saw a couple cuties that make me want to go back
Separation of Powers
I am amazed at this loving provision.
Obviously, if you have a website, there are several ways to make sure that it comes up first. One is money....It is all about money isn't it. The other is meta tags...a simplistic piece of code that allows the search engine to quickly define you. Thirdly, it is about updating...the more, the better. It is not difficult to generate a program to rapidly search for the website, thus the "hit"count grows and the serach engine defines it as number one....a loving provision? Indeed!
Absolute nonsense about getting Google to change how their search algorithm works.
This is just another piece of evidence of how fearful they are. They were backed into a wall having to adopt technology, both the Internet, (20 years late), and mobile applications, partly to remain relevant in today's society, but also largely for economic reasons. They had no choice.
Peer to peer computer networks, (and the Internet is the mother of them all), are decentralized by design, and redistribute power away from a central source. A hierarchial, authoritarian, high control group like WT wants anything but to be decentralized, and they are running scared for sure.
Popcorn anyone?
Google does accept $$$$ for putting your site on top.
Well ok I have just done it on my samsung phone. If you do "JW." In 1st place come up JW.org. In 6th place is jwfacts then it is only after scrolling to page 5 that the find the next apostate site e.g jwservey. This surprises me. I can imagine JW.org getting first place because of the traffic they would be getting. But to only have 2 other apostate sites in the next five pages. Something has happened.
BUT when you type "jehovahs witnesses/watchtower/sex abuse etc, and the first page is almost all apostate. Something has happened weather it be google or WT or both, I don't know.
Google is not "a" thing. It's lots of things all over the world. It's possible for two people to make the exact same request at the same time and get different results based on location, operating system browser, cookies, history, sponsors, etc. It's not a single algorithm, it's a lot of different algorithms hitting a distributed set of search engines spread all over the world. Searching something at google is not just google returning a list of things that match, it's trying to deliver the most personalized relevant results and that uses a LOT of math on every search.
The WT has not influenced google in any way except, possibly, by buying ad space, but anyone can do that, anyone with the money to do so.
cult classic
That is one of the most ridiculous things ever said from the podium.