I'm on IE7 and on the Google.co.uk , jwn.net is the 4th result
Bizarre comment about jw.org at SAD
by sir82 76 Replies latest jw friends
No way we can knock 'em off the top spot is there ?
note that the other sites displayed by google were jwleaks.org and jwsurvey.org
notice anything?
If I was creating a new site now I would seriously consider having jw in the domain and using the .org TLD
Same goes for Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, Instagram etc - grab jworg as a username wherever you can and add lots of content.
Not sure if Paul at jwfacts might consider swapping his primary domain to the .org he already has????
JW.org comes up as the first one for me.
...........but who cares.......who wants to randomly type in 'JW.' anyway unless you're one of the initiated?
What a loving provision?
Is it 'loving provisions(TM)' that protect paedophiles in the cult?
This is good news. Give the closed minded people all the tools they need to stay in their little dark caves.
But, it tells you they would rather hide from challenges than confront them.
If you have the "TRUTH" why hide? Simple answer is they are scared.
They are asking for bread and fish and are given stones and snakes.
It really doesn't matter if one wants to find JWN or JWR or JWFacts, etc... they can find us.
The average person interested in JW's is going to type in "Jehovahs" or "Jehovah's Witness" and sites to counter the pro- side of the Watchtower are going to come up.
What the Watchtower was trying to plant in JW's heads is that when you can't remember "JW.org" (I guess it is hard to remember for some) then you can type JW in your search bar for google, bing, etc.
Pretty typical BS to play up the GB's ongoing and loving support for the "rank & file" witness.
If you don't use JW in your search bar then it could be considered apostasy and you need to go to the elders for some encouragement.
Blah! SMH.
This is all kind of pointless anyway because more and more JWs are setting their home page to jw.org anyway
You cannot "buy" your way to the top of the organic results, you can only purchase ads, which do show above the top of organic listings.
The feature the moron from Bethel is talking about is "autocomplete" which is Google's best guess as to what site you wants. If you are typing jw then dot (.) there is a very limited universe of sites the user want. He is basically bullshitting or repeating bullshit he has been fed from others at Bethel.
Remember all the male jws that seem to accidentally find porn sites................
Oh yeah, those dirty popups just come out of nowhere! They're not based on your browsing habits or anything
It may be a loving provision for dubs. They're lazy anyway and probably don't spend much time looking for JW related stuff online...between porn and Facebook.
But for outsiders that want to research them, they'll google 'Jehovah's Witnesses' or maybe 'Watchtower'. And behold! The plethora of apostate and anti sites. Even if they don't read much of it, just seeing so much controversy, it would scare the normal person from getting any more involved.