I like this thread, as this is something that annoys the hell out of me on this site. Here is the deal, Team. When you are having talk around 'discussions' with your like-minded theist buds on this site, y'all can talk about your feelings, beliefs and what you think until you are so full of yourselves you could pop. I'm certain it is good therapy for you (althought the entire thought of anyone wanting to discuss theist/JW crap, I mean topics, more than a year or two after exiting the nasty little cult is beyond me. But I digress).
Now the problem. When the topic is something other than your feelings, beliefs and thoughts, when you enter a discussion that will be about facts, a real debate, either bring facts or intellectual analysis and thought provoking commentary or stay out of it. Nothing annoys me more (and thank god she is now gone) than a theist who jumps into a very good debate with nothing more than their theist mantras. "all things eminate from god through his son jesus by way of the holy spirt." AARRGGHH.. And atheists should likewise stay out of clearly theist/JW discussions where feelings, beliefs and thoughts rule the day.
If those simple rules of engagement were followed there wouldn't be flame wars. There ARE some good theist points of view; the bible, jesus, god as taught in the bible, what you feel, think or believe (or the tiny little bit of 'knowledge' that you possess with neither length, width, depth or breadth is NOT real knowledge). Starting from the premise that there is a god, or the bible is god's word, or that jesus has other than a brief historical - maybe - footnote a few thousand years ago, is something that should be kept to your coffe talk chat arounds.