I suspect the wives of such retired ones will be a major force to be reckoned with when they come to terms with reduced quality of life etc as husbands die leaving them exposed to financial hardship into old age......
CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14
by williamhconley 72 Replies latest jw friends
.....but....shouldn't the new system be here by now????
JW GoneBad
The follwing is a partial list of ways that the GB uses to extract money from the publishers:
1. Debit and credit card ATMs in JW Assembly halls (electronic plates).
2. Debit and credit card ATMs at District Conventions (electronic plates).
3. Congregations having to pay for retired CO's and DO's living expenses.
4. Three to four different contributions boxes (each for a different purpose) in each Kingdom Hall.
5. Donations with the WTBTS as beneficiary: Wills and trusts, gift annuities, real estate, stocks and bonds, bank accounts, life insurance policies.
6. Fund raisers for building new Kingdom Halls: A Household Financial Survey form is given to each head-of-house to determine how much WT can expect to collect from each family.
7. JW.org online automated monthly collection/payment plan.
Interesting that the expression ...."Religion is a Snare and a Racket" originated with a past JW leader Judge J.F. Rutherford (1939) and little did he know then-that that's what the WTBTS would eventually become.......'A Snare And A Racket'!
NOWWHAT ? mentioned " they better not ask the r&f to pay for their retirement !!!!! " Unfortunately the GB already IS asking the r&f to pay for THEIR retirement as well as other higher ups in the WT Society by requiring many congregations to agree to WT Society financed remodeling of kingdom halls thus putting rank & file JW's in debt by donating thousands of $$$ for the remodeling- yet the rank & file JW's aren't on the title of the kingdom halls once they re remodeled - the title and deed go to the WT Society. Who benefit from all the poor JW's donations - translation - free labor & financing of the aalleged " kingdom interests ". WT Society has a lucrative financial real estate racket going on here. And rank & file JW's are none the wiser. Being ripped off right under their noses
So what about the GB members that are over 70, do THEY have to leave Bethel? I'm guessing: No!
What a disgrace for "true religion" to offer such an inferior retirement plan ! Which would be better, to retire from government service or retire from WTS service? This - like dumping long term Bethelites - is about cutting financial liability.
I'm not sure that the WTS can count on 30-ish CO subs to go fulltime as such. Any wife who agrees with such an awful fate is kidding herself. This Organization has always been "blessed" with sycophants aplenty but they don't always pan out or last. It would be difficult to imagine that much eagerness for this roving KGB position exists in an overall environment of 'no thanks' as to getting new elders and MS's.
Beyond all this, how far can they go with eliminating middle management? If you can pop up the GB on the Jumbotron to give talks, who needs much more?
cult classic
They've always periodically reassigned some back in the field from time to time.
They come into the congo bossing everyone around for a while. Sometimes they realize they aren't the %&$# they thought they were and calm down.
A couple of visits ago our CO was telling my elder hubby that there was a lack of 'new blood'... young elders becoming CO's and wondering what would happen. This last visit he said he was being retired, much to his surprise and shock. He was one of the good guys, a thinker. Loves his bible. Reckon this might give him a lot more to think about!
This ain't nothin' but an ORGANIZED CRIME
Ol' folk in this religion been lied too and tossed
After years of " Spiritual Food " served from a slop bucket
not even a damn Hog would eat
Trust. They'll wake up. Might be on their death bed, before they take thier last breath
but they'll wake up before they close thier eyes for good
I am not suprised, and I do not feel a sorry for them. Instead working hard as majority of taxpayers did, they spent time sitting on lectures, reading material so they can preach and make 50-60 lectures per year traveling in their district. My parents said they always look like obese bankers and their hands are so soft from lacking any physical damage or hard labor.
I am sure they can go on some kind of welfare in USA, and certainly in Europe. The reality will bite their ass hard. If they have not contributed into medicare, they will not get any. Plus medicare still has deductible which are rather expensive. They may enroll into medicaid or some state run inferior healthcare system that will cover the basic + hospic care. They should move a mobile homes or trailers to the proximity of the KH.
I would suspect that the generational change is required to whipe out failed history and with it severe a genetic link from past lies to create new ones for the newer members. My DO was old man back in the 80's and he is still there, and he must be at least 85 year old codger, if no more. I would not be suprised if this is based on power struggle within the organization.