CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14

by williamhconley 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    They want me to provide accommodations? First, I hope they like freezing in winter. I keep my place at 13 o C in the winter--even though the heat is paid for. Warmer than that, things get too dry and that causes more health problems than the cold. I remember turning on a space heater in an area that is cold (at work) recently, and the dryness was worse than the cold.

    Next, I hope they like the place rather dimly lit--with Christmas lights, at that. I use LED light bulbs exclusively (except in places like the oven where anything but incandescent is impossible). Even in the refrigerator--LED works perfectly there. At that, most of the light bulbs are cool white with a color temperature around 5,000 K. That is a touch yellower than daylight (which is 6500 K), but well bluer than most lights they are used to (regular incandescent is 2700 K). Aside masses of Christmas lights, I am rather stingy with lighting because I prefer things on the dark side.

    The Christmas decorations are not coming down. They whine about it, I will put up some more instead of pulling them down.

    They had better be adaptable with my music, too. I am not getting rid of any music on their account. Not rap--even rap with gun shots and swearing. Not heavy metal. I have my Led Zeppelin, and I am not getting rid of it. If they are still bashing Michael Jackson, too bad because I have all his music I could get my hands on, and that's where it is going to stay. Not even my Christmas music. Those parasites will have to just listen to it.

    They cannot have any of my silver. None. Nor am I going to get rid of my batteries (which are in the event of rolling blackouts becoming common). I am not trimming my lanterns, headlights, or flashlights for them, either. I am expecting a situation, with coal going offline, where rolling blackouts could become common. Sooner I trust in silver, or Battery Junction and Fenix, than in joke-hova. Ask--during the last blackout, did joke-hova provide power for you?

    And I get to use my computer online connection for what I want to use it for. If it be apostate material, so be it. If I wish to visit Satanic web sites, I am not going to let a hounder-hounder-hounder (retired or not) order me to not view it. If the site allows certain speech and I feel like using it, I will do so--whether the parasite approves of it or not. And I will print out what I damn well feel like--and that includes charts regarding when Saturn goes retrograde and when it is going to enter Sagittarius. I do not give a fxxx if the retired hounder-hounder-hounder is offended.

    So, Brother Hounder, do you still want to use my place to accommodate a retired hounder-hounder-hounder?

  • wasblind

    Thanks you for the Details about age discrimination Blondie

    I was unaware that there were agencies that were allowed certain employers this provsion



  • NewYork44M

    I am surprised they have those ollder than 70 in the C.O. and D.O. work. That is a hard life.

    But they have few options. They have not contributed into social security and get the minimum. Certainly not enought to live on. Will they be able to keep their leased Buicks?

  • wasblind

    I can't cut and paste

    But the highlights under Medicare qualifications That Blondie posted



    Reminded me of how the WTS would incourage folks

    to put the preachin' work before thier secular work

    incourage part time jobs for the fulltime ministry

    and now look at thier reward



    Oh I forgot, they get that in the " NEXT LIFETIME "




    Let's see the letter. If it's legit, they will expect local Congo's to pick up the tab... Why put them out to pasture right before the BIG A??


  • DesirousOfChange

    XBEHERE: Not here in my area of the U.S. There are "baby" CO Subs popping up everywhere. Many in their early-mid 30's, company men, been pioneering for at least 10+ years, talks on all Assemblies and Regional Conventions, etc. Now it makes sense...they were lining these little kiss-asses up to take the place of these retired CO's.

    Same here. All young Company Men just out of MTS School in the past 5-6 years at most.

    WTWIZARD: They want me to provide accommodations?

    No.............they want YOU (and all of the R&F) to provide MONEY to maintain their KH apartments, utilities, etc.


  • Londo111


  • piztjw

    Will the ones 'laid off' get any financial help from the Watchtower once they are assigned to local congregations??

    They surely will...uh huh, yep. Seriously though...NO.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Question, are COs & DOs legally considered employees in the US? I'm not sure they are. If they are, then this is outright age discrimination. If not, then it seems pretty heartless even for the WTS.

  • minimus

    nothing like sending them out to pasture.

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