Boy am I glad I am in Canada.
CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14
by williamhconley 72 Replies latest jw friends
The financial decisions being made by the GB seem to be coming from someone with the mindset of a Paul Ryan type.
In my personal experience of 40 years of “being in” I worked with and met a variety of different CO’s. The minority were hard working men who along with their wives were self-sacrificing and giving. I met some really sincere, genuine, down to earth CO’s who truly displayed a “Christ like” spirit, disposition and personality.
Having said that, my involvement first as a Ministerial Servant and then as an Elder for many years was thoroughly disappointing. I discovered that the vast majority of these CO’s were pompous, arrogant, self-serving men.
I never had a problem that they were “Company Men” because that was their ultimate employer, if you will. They had to uphold and enforce the principles and ideals that the Branch demanded, if they wanted to retain their position. They were doing what they were told “or else.”
Many thought that they were demi-gods when they walked in to the congregation. I remember many BOE’s that actually became anxious and nervous when some of these characters were scheduled for a visit. At the elders meeting, the CO would sit at the front, at a small table and pull out their all-important binders with all the spirit-directed WTS rules and regulations. Most evident was the fact that they hated anyone that would try to challenge them on procedure or decisions. Most CO’s also offered up far too many personal opinions on most subjects, such as, that person, those young ones, his or her job, this couple, etc.
They liked to judge an individual’s “motives.” Why are they buying a house and not pioneering? Why is this brother not an MS yet? Why is the congregation average so low? Etc. Etc. on and on!
Over the years they spent hundreds of hours promoting Bethel service, Gilead school, regular pioneering, working with the RBC, or going to MTS. They even encouraged young brothers to reach out for the unique privilege of becoming a travelling overseer in imitation of the Apostle Paul. There was no greater career in this “dying wicked system of things.” Use your youth and vigor to serve your Creator fulltime. After all here was God’s inspired promise:
(Psalm 37:25) A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, And yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, Nor his offspring looking for bread.
(Matthew 6:33) “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.
Their continued teaching for decades was not to worry about your future, or getting an education, or a good job, or even getting old. If you were serving wholeheartedly in Jehovah’s organization its loving arms of support and appreciation would be guaranteed to be there for you.
I can’t imagine the Apostle Paul being put out to pasture at any time, and retired, at a specific age by the so-called 1 st century Governing Body!! This has all become a sick joke!!
If this letter or information is legit the good and honest hearted CO’s we all fondly remember and were touched by, are truly being shafted. The other pompous, pieces of trash deserve whatever they get!! A good rule to follow over recent and future WTS changes no matter what “spin” they put on it is, “Follow The Money.” That is the real reason all of this is happening!!
Desirous of Change:
They are mistaken if they expect the strapped R&F to do what you mentioned . People are lucky they can put a roof over their head and food on the table. In the past, it was bad enough people in the religion were expected to put money in the box for local needs, worldwide work, etc. Now, it is for an ever GROWING and never-ending group of people with their hands out. Back in the day when I was active in the religion, it certainly wasn't like this or I would have run even sooner.
This latest batch of people who are set to be laid off are just more added to the large number of JWs who are unemployed or "needy". Does any realistic person actually believe the dwindling number of people there hanging onto their jobs is going to be throwing money at these people?
You already have within the JW religion:
(1) Elderly who didn't save for retirement, (2) pioneers who live on the edge, (3) laid off bethelites/missionaries of recent years, (4) people who lost their jobs, (5) deadbeats who were there all along, (6) dysfunctional individuals of recent years and now, to add insult to injury, (7) this newer expected batch of elderly COs/DOs.
This is a very bad and troubling picture that the religion created for itself with its ridiculous policies against higher education and careers.
Now...add to this a collapsing economy and you have the perfect disaster.
LongHairGal, perhaps I should re-phrase my statement about being expected to give more to support the elderly "retiring" COs/DOs. In reality, the R&F will not be ASKED to contribute more, they will be REQUIRED to contribute more. Many Assm Halls built several new apartments on the property in the past few years. No doubt these will be made available to retiring COs/DOs. New KHalls that are built will be "encouraged" to add an apartment to the site so that the Cong can benefit from one of these spiritually strong couples living there and attending the Cong.
The User Fees (per publisher cost) at the Assm Halls will be moderately increased to meet any additional expenses that result, and the Cong R&F will pay for the new apts as they pay for the KHall (utilities and all). When the Assm Hall contributions fall short of the demanded fee, the Circuit will send out an "invoice" to each congregation on a per Publisher basis telling them to "contribute" to pay off the shortfall.
MY ERROR in suggesting they would ASK for contributions. They will just raise the costs that MUST be paid. Older ones like my elderly parents came to the rescue of their Cong everytime there was a "need". The BOE would frequently ask for a LOAN knowing that they would eventually make it a GIFT. They will simply read the scripture about an "equalizing" and those who saved a little more will give a little more. After all, it's for Jehovah.
Hi, Desirous of Change:
I understood exactly what you meant. No need to re-word anything.
Of course, they won't ask with a "pretty please". No, they will be more forceful with their guilt-trips and twisting scriptures in an attempt to get the last few remaining responsible (gullible) working people to give their hard-earned money to all these projects and the burgeoning number of people (some of whom are worthless and never wanted to work) who have their hands out.
I know I would NEVER tolerate being around any of this. I was criticized for working and I have no use for these people. I would be sickened if I had elderly parents who gave money to some religion.
No, I am glad to be OUT of that and any other religion! (I have no use for any of them.)
Don't worry, they will have Obama Care to fall back on.
In Canada they would qualify for a pension of close to $900.00 per person. Just add that $700.00 to that and put them on the Infirm list and they will be doing a lot better than the average Canadian.
I wish that some of the GB members would have a mandatory retirement. In fact I wish that they would give the GB members a Performance Review, or Job Performance Evaluation. Oh ....sorry...I forgot....That's coming when Jesus comes again to inspect.
The GB's coming performance review is predicted in the scripture that goes, "I never knew you. Get away from me, you employees of lawlessness."