CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14

by williamhconley 72 Replies latest jw friends

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    thedog1 The expenses they accrue should, more or less, tally with receipts they give to the bro who takes care of the money

    Our CO asks for two cheques and two receipts. One for all his fuel and the other for any purchases he's made while being here.


  • baldeagle

    JustVisting - “That will be a bitter pill to swallow for these older ones and their wives. There will no doubt be some collateral damage in the form of awakened legacy members.”

    I’m wondering if anyone can eventually get a copy of this letter and the information and post it here for verification. I’m thinking this will “ruffle some feathers” even among your die hard brothers and sisters in the congregation. Many are still not happy about the cutbacks that happened at Brooklyn, with the Bethel family years ago. I personally know of couples let go at the Canadian branch approximately 7-8 years ago.

    One couple had been there 25+ years; they were highly regarded and exemplary examples in the Bethel family. They were quietly nudged out and “returned to the field” in their late 40’s. The common denominator for many Bethel layoffs was approximately 25 or more years of service, meaning you were close to 50 years of age. That’s around the time most of us experience negative changes in our bodies and personal health.

    Whether you love them or not CO’s have a pretty hard lifestyle overall, changing congregations each week is not easy. They also have to participate in the FS taking and arranging groups. They have to listen to all the grumbling and other crap from BOE’s etc. They also have to constantly please their “masters” the WTS or else. I never envied their jobs. That’s why I think it will not sit well with the “true believers” in the KH.

    We all have a natural fear of losing our jobs and being out of work whether a JW or not. This fear increases the older we are. Now to cut a man loose based on his age is just wrong, especially in this supposed religion chosen by the Lord. I still know many CO’s & DO’s over 70 that are active, bright, and do the best they can. To dump a person (who has not committed a wrongdoing, or become rebellious) while giving up their young productive years to serve an organization, will resonate poorly among JW’s.

    It will really start to focus on the GB as being heartless and mean-spirited. The brothers “still-in” are already shaking their heads over the crazy changes recently!

  • frankiespeakin

    By putting these loyal company men out to pasture with little finacial help from the Corporation they have a sworn aligents to, they have encouraged revolt in the heart of all those that have devoted their lives to the corporation. This can be on a conscious level or on a unconscious level, this dumb ass move and utter disreguard for these company men will bite them in the ass hard just you wait and see.

    Now these poor bloaks who at one time strongly enforced the WT corp. disfellowshipping policies and will now come under these same policies to insure they remain silent about their ill treatment or else get disfellowshipped themselves for speaking a complaint against their cruel corporate masters the GB. Sort of a double wammy happening on these guy or call it poetic justice.

    But dispite this upper hand that the Governing Body maintain over these men and women I'm sure the repercusions will be great as some seek to undermine the system in place though under the radar activity that will be met with the greatest resistance from the sic: Faithful and Discreet Slave of jehoba.

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