Thought Experiments and Bill Bowen

by HildaBingen 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • HildaBingen

    I once had a friend who had racial epithets hurled at her by a white man. He was not the only one who showed himself to be a racist. She also went to get a job at a huge prominent corporation in a prosperous country and she did not get the job because she was a certain color. She knows this is the case because the company later got in trouble for discriminationagainstwomen and people of color and were punished by their government.

    From these incidents, I conclude racism is a big problem in the country I am talking about. Do not tell me it is all in my head. White folks are biggots. I have the experience and stats to prove it, hon.

  • ashitaka

    "bigots", my dear, "bigots". One G.

    Oh, and you're wrong, close-minded and foolish. And that's just because you're an ass.


  • ashitaka

    and I was talking about the comparing of stats of racism to moelstation, just in case you think I misunderstood.


  • HildaBingen

    Thanks for correcting the spelling, dear. I could not remember whether bigot has too g's or one.

    In case you overlooked the title of this thread, I was doing a thought experiment, dear. I was pulling a "Nathan" on you good people in this place.

    If one can generalize from a few incidents of racism to a big problem with racism, why cannot she do the same when it comes to molestation? Or in Mr Bowen's case, why cannot he illegitimately generalize from a few cases to 23,000?

    Just a mystical thought.

  • simplesally

    Troll alert!!!!

  • hawkaw

    Last time I checked, people like you Hilda, label people "apostates" and shun them just like how some people label and treat some Jewish people.

    Last time I checked that was "creed" bigotry.

    So I really don't think you should go any farther with this thread Hilda.


  • HildaBingen

    Dear hawk:

    You miss the entire point of the thread. The story I told is a thought experiment. Would you understand it better if I used a word like Gedanken?

  • MikeMusto

    I hate black spandex

  • out4good3
    White folks are biggots.


    I am a black male and I can assure you that this person does not speak for all the people of color. This broad generalized statement reeks of a typical, low intellect poster who's probaly just trolling around starting trouble. It's amazing that this person can even post the signature "in Christ".

    [quote]Oh, and you're wrong, close-minded and foolish. And that's just because you're an ass.{/quote]


    I couldn't agree more. You've summed this person up quite nicely.

  • HildaBingen

    Dear out:

    I see you also miss the point. I constructed the story in order to make a point about Bowen. Are you all that dense? The story is a myth designed to make a point. Duh!

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