I was an elder and I know for a fact we let a father that committed incest be reproved but not removed from the congregation. We never (due to ignorance) went to the police, just like dumb drones we did as the society outlined.
He went on to molest each of his children even his baby boy.
Yes, he was finally Dfed but it did not have anything to do with his molesation , he just became "spiritually weak", field service went down, his wife finaly left him ( she and her kids stayed with us)
and it wasn't until they went for their divorce that he was found out to be a child molestor and he was reported to the DA and pressed charge3s against him and he was sent to jail for six months.
All his kids as of today are living signs of abuse
One is in jail for drugs and prostitution.
One broke up a marriage of JW and she ran away with the husband.
The boy has been in jail, doing drugs, has no relationships with the opposite sex, and the last time I saw those kids they were singing in front of their mother and us "The best sex is incest"
You can believe this or not. I was in the organ. for 35 years, went through the blood thing with my son for 16 years, he finally died in 1988 of leaukimea. His mother died in 2000 due to a blood disease.
So I have been around and I have seen things and have sat in on things.
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