Hilda ~But this ol' gal has lived long enough to know that one cannot put faith in everything heard.~
My grandmother had hallucinations too. Have you seen a physician about this?
by HildaBingen 44 Replies latest jw friends
Hilda ~But this ol' gal has lived long enough to know that one cannot put faith in everything heard.~
My grandmother had hallucinations too. Have you seen a physician about this?
Any one familiar with my posts will know that I am certainly not an apologist for the Org. but I do have some concerns with the way this issue is treated
Thinking back to my days as on committees, it would be a dillema. suppose little girl A , accuses Brother Goodstanding B of indecent touching. He denies it vehemently. Who am I supposed to believe ?
In the absence of any other mitigating factor , I guess I would have fallen back on the old formula that we need two witnesses or acquit.
I am not aware of a law in the U K that forces elders to report. If the parents chose not to put their child through the trauma of that investigation , I would have respected their decision.
Your scenario doesn't come close to much of what is really going on not just in the Borg but in many institutions.
How often really is there a case of one person comeing forward and says "he touched me?" Isn't it more often that several someones comes forward and says "he raped me"?
This goes back to what I said about and what Bill has been saying; in the case of an allegation of sexual impropriety; ALL cases must go before the secular authorities.
Do you really believe, Bluesbrothers, that a Watchtoer elder is QUALIFIED to be conducting these interrogations, reaching these conclusions, and carrying them out on a congregation of innocent religious congrgational adherents.
Have you completely missed the point? You made it after all:
>Thinking back to my days as on committees, it would be a dillema. suppose little girl A , accuses Brother Goodstanding B of indecent touching. He denies it vehemently. Who am I supposed to believe ?
In the absence of any other mitigating factor , I guess I would have fallen back on the old formula that we need two witnesses or acquit.<
I want you to think back on those days again. And I want you to realize that you did not have the training or expertise to even be a part of a proceeding like that, to conduct a questioning of both the accused and the accuser. NO QUALIFICATIONS AT ALL.
Now, you got the point yet?
UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)
Hilda dear
I take it that you just shoot off. It would be the same if I would state that it is an established fact and truth the other way around. I am not holding that opinion in spite of the fact that while working in Africa I was classified as an infidel dog, my car was being stoned by kids and once I had to run for my life for not being stabbed. They did hate just any expatriate.
At least for me it increasingly difficult to make difference in between hatred (for whatever reason) and racism.
People, it's painfully obvious that this Hildabingen person is a Watchtower plant, here to try to extract information useful to Watchtower from anyone dumb enough to give it.