Scriptures for brother taking field service group

by FL_Panthers 102 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • punkofnice

    The money thing is a complicated story. I will give you some clues to research.


    Hedge funds.

    Philip Morris tobacco.

    Kingdom hall ownership and where the money goes if sold.


    Downsizing the publications and putting it on the net instead when the net has been hailed as satan's tool.

    That should keep ypu busy for now.

    Keep researching friend.

    If you think the GB have your best interest at heart then wht do they protect paedophiles within the org?

    Just where does all the money go?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant


    I don't knoe that much aboy the maney. But you have to separate/differentiae among two things: the JWs as a "church" or network of congregations, and the watchtower society. The GB rules the JW. Thwe watchtower society is something different. I was surprized when I learned that there is some people that are shareholders in the watchtower society. But it is almost impossible to get information on who these shareholders are.

    Have you read the story about the Menlo Park scandal....there is a thread here about an ex elder that still thinks it is just a regional fraud.

  • Heaven

    Also, why can't I grow a beard when Jesus had one?

    You must have too much estrogen.

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