the bible and its prophecies

by Crazyguy 132 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Xanthippe

    A word study of "caught up together" may shed some light on "Rapture"...

    A study of the development of religion from an anthropological point of view would be more beneficial. We had to learn about the world from the moment we, as a race, began to perceive more than the need for food, shelter etc. We made sense of the world as best we could two thousand years ago. To cling on to the answers we came up with two thousand years ago in light of the things we have since found out is - well I am not going to be rude - it's your choice.

  • cofty

    Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”

    Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. - Matthew 19:27-29

    When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes - Matthew 10:23

    Jesus was a liar, a false prophet and family-wrecking cult leader.

  • Jeannette

    The Bible was written by the Jews, wasn't it?

  • Viviane

    Some of it.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I’ve found that when people reject the gospel message and become embittered, that they lose all perspective. Atheists also lose the ability to act in their own self interest as well as their own self worth. It’s also almost inevitable, because suddenly life has no meaning. They spend the rest of their lives kicking against the pricks, so to speak, completely confident that when life is over there’s nothing. They see religion as a form of self deception — a mirage on the horizon with form but no substance. Each one creates his or her own values and concepts of morality, each of which can be dispensed with should it become necessary. And in my entire life, I’ve never seen an atheist who was selfless, loving of his fellow man, noble, virtuous, inspiring, imbued with integrity or having the ability to mete out justice balanced with mercy. One need only look at the recent crop: Dawkins, Hitchens, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Margaret Sanger, Bill Maher and many others, and their idea of helping out their fellow man is to tear down crosses, eliminate the ten commandments from schools and state property and, oh yes, provide free abortions to whoever wants one. It’s very rare that you’ll find one in a soup kitchen or on a suicide hotline.

    So it shouldn’t be a surprise that atheists on this site tend to be bitter, self-serving, arrogant know-it-alls who frequently spout off their own opinions without bothering to elucidate them with substantive facts. They reduce anything they don’t like to it’s lowest common denominator and then they try to hack it apart, all the while ballyhooing their own baseless opinions as if their merits were self evident. Some have even publicly declared themselves to be “brights” as opposed to the stupid, run-of-the-mill saps who cling to their Bibles and their guns.

    These goigts have a right to their views, of course, but it’s their rudeness and insufferable lack of tolerance that makes them so delightful to be around and to engage in friendly banter. So don’t let anyone tell you atheism isn’t a religion. It’s a religion that seizes upon one’s mind and ultimately makes a person spiritually enfeebled in the process. This causes them to think religion degrades a person (as is evident from the posts on this forum), but in the end it really makes them curmudgeons.


  • cofty

    it shouldn’t be a surprise that atheists on this site tend to be bitter, self-serving, arrogant know-it-alls who frequently spout off their own opinions without bothering to elucidate them with substantive facts

    Go wash you magic underpants.

  • cofty

    ...and on a more serious note...

    What really annoys people like coldsteel is the exact opposite of what his brainless rant claims it to be.

    It's the fact that many of the atheists on this site are extremely well-informed and back up their attacks on theism with facts, reason and common sense.

    We know more about the bible and its followers than the vast majority of regular people and you have no answers. That's why you spout your sophomoric personal attacks.

    in my entire life, I’ve never seen an atheist who was selfless, loving of his fellow man, noble, virtuous, inspiring, imbued with integrity or having the ability to mete out justice balanced with mercy.

    You have never met me.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."

    "We" Paul expected to sail away on the clouds in his lifetime...the most prolofic writer in the NT did that mistake! How on earth can a sensible person believe on word of that nonsence.........

    .....meeting dead people in the clouds...that's even know what!

  • DJS

    Cold Steel,

    Of all the people who have shown themselves to be completely full of BS, you are the gold standard. Your pompous, ridiculous rant is so far from the facts that it isn't worth responding to. And you clearly haven't read one word from any atheist explaining their journey. It took me decades to leave my belief system; becoming an atheist was a lifelong sojourn. Go away, clown.

  • cofty

    Paul expected to sail away on the clouds in his lifetime..

    Exactly. If you read the NT with the assumption that Jesus, his followers and every writer up to John fully expected the parousia in their generation it all makes sense.

    That is why it seemed reasonable for Peter and others to walk out on their wives and children and follow the carpenter around Palestine. It is also why they formed a commune after Jesus' death. As the NT develops we see a practical need to build structures and rules for the longer term.

    Jesus was a failed prophet. Was he deluded or deceitful?

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