Regional Convention Program Posted

by kneehighmiah 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I genuinely felt sick to my stomach reading the titles of some of the talks which are nothing less than "demon inspired utterances" which perpetuate blind obedience (and financial support) to the most active part of Babylon the Great on earth!!

    However, when I reached the list for Sunday's offering of drivel, a big smile was brought to my face, thanks to the part of the 9.40 am symposium which is entitled "New Scrolls".

    Having informed our cong via my answer recently regarding Rev. 20:1-11, they now know for a fact that the scrolls are NOT opened during the 1000 year reign!

    I wonder how many will recall the TRUTH, as opposed to the LIE being spewed forth again? God help them all to waken up!

  • punkofnice

    ''Family ties''

    Oh dearie me!

  • label licker
    label licker

    Looks like they have found that kindgom. Boy, are they ever arrogant! Friday's menu of the kingdom is really being driven home to distract the 100 years of torture finding it.(changing new light) If it wasn't for all those lies over the years, people would have never found the kingdom. Now they are even interviewing those that know for sure they are in that kindgom. Next we'll see them bringing in huge thrones to give talks and interviews from.

    The Sunday menu where it reads Not One Word Has Failed reminded me of what the one elder said to me at my jc. He said that every future prediction that the FDS has foretold has come true. Not one has failed so that shows the GB would never fail us.

    Searcher, when I saw the new scrolls, I too right away thought of you. Guys, thank you for my morning chuckle.

  • hoser

    Looks like they are ramping things up a little bit Another day another guilt trip

  • Cadellin

    Thanks for posting this. When I saw some of the comments, I thought--this can't be right. Then I opened up the file and YUP, IT'S MORE CUCKOO THAN EVER. Wow, when you've been out for a while and then take a look at a program like this, it just leaps out at you how completely nutty this religion is. Cult, really. I've never wanted to think of it that way, but some of these titles are doozies.

    I have to comment on the Sunday symposium (sidepoint--what's up with all the symposiums and dramas? I remember there might be one or two at the most and then just one drama on Sunday. Now these formats seem to appear every day of the convention) about visualizing life in the new order. One of the talks is "Complete Peace with the Animals," or something like that. Actually, I would love to listen in on that one and see how they spin it. I've always thought that the predatorial and parasitical nature of nature is almost impossible to explain from the Biblical perspective.

    You can't just flip a miracle switch and make all those nasty carnivores grass-eaters. The entire web of life on this planet rests on a predatory and parasitic framework. Which means, of course, that either species evolved so as to take advantage of food sources in the form of other species, like cats with their motion-tracking vision, retractable claws, high speed and inability to synthesize taurine, in which case prey species must have co-evolved in response, like mice with their speed, caution, fast gestation and high birthrates, OR God created them that way, which makes the idea of Him changing all of that over to grass-eating rather perplexing.

    I wonder how the manuscript of that symposium talk will deal with this? Probably this way: ignore or obfuscate the facts, talk about lions playing with beach balls instead.

  • blondie

    So how and what will the WTS expand on about these scrolls? Will the scrolls be like the plates Joseph Smith found, transcribed and returned to their original one but he seeing the originals?

    *** w10 4/15 p. 11 par. 17 Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose ***

    How will Jehovah use his holy spirit in the coming new world? That spirit will be the force behind the new scrolls that will be opened at that time. (Rev. 20:12) What will these contain? Evidently,Jehovah’s detailed requirementsfor us during the thousand years. Do you look forward to examining the contents of those scrolls?

    *** pe chap. 21 p. 181 par. 17 Judgment Day and Afterward ***

    What are the “scrolls” that are opened from which “the dead” as well as “the living” are judged? Evidently they will be something in addition to our present Holy Bible. They are inspired writings or books that contain Jehovah’s laws and instructions. By reading these all people on earth will be able to know God’s will. Then, on the basis of the laws and instructions in these “scrolls,” everyone on earth will be judged. Those who obey the things written therein will receive the benefits of Christ’s ransom sacrifice, and they will gradually grow to human perfection.

    *** kl chap. 19 p. 185 par. 13 When the Knowledge of God Fills the Earth ***

    New “scrolls” will then come into use. Evidently these are God’s written instructions that will serve as a basis for educating earth’s inhabitants.

    *** re chap. 41 pp. 298-299 par. 14 God’s Day of Judgment—Its Joyful Outcome! ***

    However, John has just mentioned other scrolls that will be opened during the Millennial Reign. (Revelation 20:12) What will these be? At times, Jehovah has given specific instructions for particular situations. For example, in Moses’ day he provided a detailed series of laws that meant life for the Israelites if they obeyed. (Deuteronomy 4:40; 32:45-47) During the first century, new instructions were given to help faithful ones to follow Jehovah’s principles under the Christian system of things. (Matthew 28:19, 20; John 13:34; 15:9, 10) Now John reports that the dead are to be “judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds.” Evidently, then, the opening of these scrolls will publish Jehovah’s detailed requirements for mankind during the thousand years. By applying in their lives the regulations and commandments of those scrolls, obedient humans will be able to lengthen their days, attaining finally to everlasting life.

    But during the resurrection, countless millions of studies, based on the Bible and the new scrolls, will no doubtbe conducted!

  • punkofnice


    Evidently...weasle word

  • KateWild

    Well spotted cofty. Friday afternoon 2pm "What must be kept in second place"

    This indoctrination session will cause many to ramp up their recruiting activities and possibly become pioneers. I know talks like this worked with me, and I packed my job in and pioneered. Now I have nothing and getting work has been a challenge.

    You are absolutely right cofty, cult indeed.

    Kate xx

  • gingerbread

    Saturday afternoon looks like the biggie!

    Sound drama : "Jehovah is the only true God" (insert the 'Governing Body 8' in place of 'Jehovah').

    "Jehovah's Organization - 100 years of seeking first God's established kingdom" (this is typically a new release talk....I'd expect a new and improved (revisionist) history book of Jehovah's Witnesses - or a series of DVD's at least...with a minimizing of Charles Russell and his 19th century ideas). I might speculate that Nathan Knorr will become the hero of 'modern day' Jehovah's Witnesses - with his emphasis on global expansion and educational programs.


  • Oubliette

    Friday Afternoon

    2:00 Symposium: What Must Be Kept in Second Place?

    - Concerns About Health

    Sunday Morning:

    9:40 Symposium: Anticipate Future Kingdom Blessings!

    - Perfect Health

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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