PunkofNice - "Why do I bother to wake up in the morning?"
Short answer: because I have to pee and my cat is desperately hungry (seriously, if you have problems waking up get yourself a cat or a dog, they WILL make you jump out of bed and their bidding. Incredible )
Serious answer:
For the joy of being. Just that. I know, sounds cheesy and "spiritual" (I am an atheist and enjoy the idea that there is no god, just pure chance & surprise), but it is not. Last year I was in a very bad shape, suicidal thoughts constantly crossing my mind, even with my beautiful and fantastic GF by my side. I had reasons enough (feeling sick, being unemployed - in Europe and in a terrible bankruptcy case, my business partner stole several thousand Euros from me and fled, and the shunning from all my family), but this year I started to focus only on the present moment. You only have to "endure" this present second. Nothing more, nothing less. Whatever you are imagining about the future will NOT happen in the fashion you imagine. Most probably (since Life is dull ;-) it will pan out less dramatic than you think. It is always like that. It doesn't matter how all this pans out, you only have to live the present moment, which is very, very short. If you think about it, time stops making any sense.
Focus on the present moment, the past exists only as a thought structure in your head, the future: the same. Serve yourself a cup of tea (I know you Brits like tea ;-) in the most focused manner possible - see the color of the tea, enjoy the smell and really taste it. Nothing else matters and nothing else exists during that moment. Accept it "as is". Whatever "shit" comes your way: accept it, even boldly embrace it. Let it come, baby, you are strong enough because you only live those moments in very, very small slices of "now" moments. Very easy my friend.
I am in Europe too and sometimes you can get a cheap flight with Ryanair (heck I took a flight to Italy for 10 Euros last year). Come to the financially broken south of Europe - but beautiful and very sunny this time of the year. A change of air is good. Let me know (by PM) if you need any ideas/help for your trip.
PS: I love your posts, your wit and sharp comments. Stay longer, you always have time to die. Now, that you won the "Life lottery" and are here, Life it up with a bang, you will die anyway, so, why not make the best in the time being? Drink, eat, fuck, smoke, laugh, read a good book, ...or just sit in the sun and tell the Universe to fuck off, that you don't care about debt, age or pig-cops.
Big hug!!!!
PSPS: “I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats.” (Eckhart Tolle). How true....mine is right now sleeping in my arms and lives like a Goddess!