Hi - late to this festive conversation - You are in England ? Your Healthcare
may have more hidden advantages than you are now aware of. Are you low
income ? Could you be diagnosed as clinically depressed, and there fore qualify
for some kind of disabilty advantage ?
People on disability receive more health coverage.
If you can't afford meds for depression , sounds like you need some subsidy,
don't be shy researching this. All advice is useless unless you follow it,
kicking your own ass out the door and getting some exercise will help,
as will changing your diet, taking vitamins and showing up
to places where there are people (outside of Pubs).
Changing your daily routine to include helping people,
as a volunteer with some group doing something,
sign up with the PCVS Peterborogh Council for Volunteer Service
- they need you http://www.pcvs.co.uk/volunteer-centre/