What is the biggest regret or source of resentment because of being a Jehovahs Witness?

by stuckinarut2 76 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NumbLife

    My biggest regret is the way that being forced into this life by my mother at a young age just caused me to shut off from the world and people in general for 18 years. When one parent is devout and the other is a non-believer, you are basically shut off from people in general. The witnesses tended to hange out and embrace people with the whole family in and of course, I couldn't even associate with my next door neighbor who was my same age. The whole thing has really messed up my mind for a long time.

  • flipper

    I agree with what Exwhyzee is agreeing with. I missed opportunities to pursue interests such as sports, i.e. baseball or plaaying music due to being pressured into giving my " all " to the JW cult. I was not allowed to get a college education even though I had a very good grade point average in high school. I felt pressured to get married young as a teenage JW which caused me to select a marriage mate so I could have sex - and not choosing a marriage mate based on compatibility just based on the fact that both of us were teenage JW's so everything would fall into place- right ? Wrong. After 19 years of trying to make it work, it ended in 1998. So all the decisions I made for friendships, careers, pursuing interests- were all based on approval from WT Society powermongers. Which is not a good way to make decisions.

    Fortunately my life has vastly improved since 2003 when I finally gained my freedom of mind. But we all have to fight to keep our freedom. Not only the WT Society tried to steal our freedom but there are other individual and organizations out there who will steal our freedom as well if we let them. Bottom line is : don't let them

  • ballistic

    Not going into education until after I left the JWs and all the time I wasted pioneering and going to those endless meetings, just think what I could have accomplished.

  • designs

    Not going to college when I was young. 1967 Awake killed that.

  • ballistic

    Oh yes, and missing "Top of the Pops" because it was on BBC1 Thursday nights just when our Service Meeting would start each and every week.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Not going to college when I was young. 1967 Awake killed that.



  • NumbLife

    Ah yes, missed opportunities. I could slam dunk a basketball at 17, but dropped out of school after 9th grade due to not being able to do ANYTHING. Life of a JW child is torture if you are not a huge fan of the JW's. I was 'homeschooled' which equaled havign a computer purchased with some fly by night Internet school (when the internet was just emerging 1990's) so my mom could go out all day to do door to door. Even though I never got baptized and never liked the organization, many of the dogma's came home and were ingrained in me, for instance, college was never an option, organized sports, obviously the list goes on, but these two probably affected my life the most.

    The sitting for the pledge, not being allowed to celebrate holiday's at school, being generally forced to feel like an outcast everywhere... that didn't bother me as much as not being allowed to have a normal chance at competative income and life.

  • bigmac

    I never got laid before I got married.....


    ha ha ha ha ---me too--but ive made up for it since ----

  • Oubliette

    I regret that I was better at teaching my children beliefs, than I was at teaching them love.

  • MysticMage

    I missed out on a lot of hot girls with nice big boobs.

    I still meet hot blonde with big boobs. And I can't take it anymore! it's party time!

    I'm gonna go for it becuse I want it bad. I can't hold back any longer.

    Does not the bible say let her breasts satisfy you at all times?

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