What is the biggest regret or source of resentment because of being a Jehovahs Witness?

by stuckinarut2 76 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Vidiot

    There were really, really good-looking girls who I'm pretty sure would have gone out with me (in my teens and 20s) had I asked, but...

    ...if I had ended up with someone other than my wife, my kids might not have existed, so this one makes me feel kinda conflicted.

    Suffice it to say, sometimes I feel as though I missed out on (what I now realize were) some very normal activities growing up, and wasn't given the opportunity to learn certain vital aspects of adulthood until I'd already been an adult for some time.

    It makes me feel privately embarrassed, at times, even.

    On a lighter note, I would have loved to have been a rock star.

  • Gentledawn

    The lies, lies and more f--cking LIES.

    Deceptive recruitment practices.

    The fake-ass love-bombing from the get-go.

    Being around people who are just as worn out, struggling, depressed and wondering why as you, but their best advice is : "service will fix it!".

    Wearing dresses or skirts in sub-zero temps, with the wind (and snow) whistling up my wahoo for hours on end whilst knocking at not-at-homes. Ya know, because it's still the 1950s and pants grow cocks betwixt the wearers legs, apparently.

    The fact that as a woman every male in the building had a say-so over every specific of my fucking everything. Nothing beats having some random male visiting the hall getting upset by a game my child plays (didn't have the game with us, but was mentioned in passing during discussion with this same man). He goes into a dry-ass tirade about the evils of said game (pokemon). And snitches to the congregation elders about the convo, too.

    Next up? Two-- count em : 2 -- sheep-herding calls made on me and my kid by "concerned" local eldubs. Threw away all of our related video games. Surprised they didn't ask us to throw away our gameboy systems, too.

    It's a cult. <--- end of discussion.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I am at the point where I believe Life has no meaning or purpose other than the meaning or

    purpose that we each individually give our lives. So I regret having spent 31 years allowing

    my lifes purpose to be overshadowed, and my lifes purpose to be dictated by a magazine publishing comany/

    soon to be realestate investment firm.

    They say if you dont stand for something you will fall for anything and when I was born I didn't know what to

    stand for so I fell for the Watchtower for 31 years.

  • LongHairGal


    The biggest source of my resentment (besides their attitude towards women/college/careers) was the fact that the religion tried to separate you from your non-JW blood relatives.

    I had a rude awakening one Thanksgiving holiday when I saw that I was all alone looking at four walls and wondering where the hell were all the other JWs. Surely, they weren't all out in service. I wondered to myself why the hell wasn't I enjoying a meal with relatives and why should I isolate myself??? For what??? I guess Jehovah is only pleased if I am looking at four walls by myself. I was left feeling like I was some nut in the hills fighting a private war.

    Well, I made sure I remedied this situation when I did my "fade". I mended fences and re-established contact with family members before it was TOO late....I am so grateful that I did. I came to realize that my family are the only people who ever really cared about me and that the Jehovah's Witness religion tried to make me trade my loving family for a bunch of phonies who didn't care about me. So unnatural!! What a con!!!

    This is a lesson I will never forget and this hateful religion can never be forgiven for what it tried to do.

  • wannaexit

    For me the biggest regret is not pursuing a higher education in my early years. I also regret having sacrificed the best years of my life to the pioneer altar.

  • Ucantnome

    i didn't get to be a christmas postman in primary school. our class had to sort and deliver all the cards and i so wanted to be a postman only kid with no cards either.

  • talesin

    That no one cared about the children. No one ever questioned ... obvious things. They are supposed to be so loving, right? One big, incestuous family.

  • RubaDub

    The One Towel Rule.

    Rub a Dub

  • DogGone

    My biggest regret is that it simply wasn't true - or at least, precious little of it

    I actually had a great time as a JW. I'm not sure I'd have left if they hadn't kicked me out, so strong was my mental conditioning and social bond. I once told my worldly mother that I'd probably be dead if I hadn't stumbled into the faith at an early age. In hindsight, I can see I'd have benefited from any high control group. A military school would have done me equal or better.

    The three KH's I was a part of had well-meaning brothers, even if they did forget you existed for a year or two. Half of the COs I met seemed to be good guys. The other half were obvious @$$holes. But, I was fortunate at the time to have a social group of liberal JWs who would acknowledge such things. We'd make fun of the idea that the flood was global, that lions eat grass, that the celestial signs were sputnik, that the trumpets of Revelation were Cedar Point Ohio. We felt secure that the core teachings were correct and the GB just went off on strange side streets. We used to talk over scotch about how the Society was better in the "old days" which we were too young to be a part of. It seemed to us that the religion had gone soft and stupid, but that was just another sign of the times.

    You can see the mental gymnastics at work. A touch of arrogance that we were smarter than the average JW and a willingness to make endless mental adjustments for truly crazy teachings.

    I had great friends, great experiences, and learned a lot. In a way, the KH took over from my failed family and finished raising me. There were times the Elders provided me profound assistance. Mostly, the advice was unintentionally damaging, though.

    However, it was all "the Matrix". A completely made up construct. A cult. I'm not too hard on them, since the rule books they follow derive from cults every bit as obnoxious and brain washed. It was ever thus.

  • stuckinarut2

    Wow again...

    Us 'apostates' (I use the word sarcastically) are sure messed up!

    Once again, I cant get over just how similar our stories all are!

    I am still very much "stuckinarut", but I am going to try and live by an expression I saw recently that said:

    "The meaning of life, is to give life meaning"

    So, the damage and baggage of the WT is common to all of us, but so too is the opportunity to start living a real life ...right now......

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