New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help

by jnjburkett 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    I have to say, my experience with the YMCA and the witnesses is that it IS a no-no, but certain people, in certain locations, don't frown upon it as they "should".

    A JW sister in the Spanish hall in my city went to the gym at the YMCA. When she told me, I told her JW's were not supposed to do that, and she just disregarded what I told her.

    However, I highly doubt that if elders knew about it, they wouldn't have said anything to her...

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't like to jump on the troll wagon in case I am wrong. But we have provided enough research direction for anyone already. Good day. Good luck.

  • whathappened

    There are so many little unspoken rules in the JW religion that it is difficult to B S anyone who was really a Jehovah's Witness. No JW would ever even step foot on YWCA or YMCA property. They don't even really want you to go to weddings in other religious organisations.

    Yes, this poster is a troll.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    I would recommend sharing the Watchtower article about the YMCA with the Body of Elders first. That would be a hoot.

  • jam

    whathappen: just recently my ex(pioneer) and her Elder husband was

    in my son wedding.. He married a Mormon on the grounds of a Mormon

    church. My ex walked him(our son) down the run way in the present of

    a Mormon preacher who conducted the wedding. Her Elder husband set

    next to me in the front row. No BS

  • NeverKnew

    JNJ... I have never been a JW and only have JW friends. They have certain cliches that are foreign to non JWs. Your language pattern has outed you. Your semantics are pure jw if anyone were to ask me. If I weren't on a tablet I could copy and paste them. There's no way you could pick up this language pattern in one months study.

    I'm hoping you're sincere but....

    I'm also finding it telling that you were able to use the word troll correctly in under 10 posts here. Despite surrounding the word in quotes, you used it correctly and knew enough to deny the label.

    You may be sincere in your goal, but is lying is an appropiate way to bear witness? Which 1st century Christians used deceipt? I'd like to know whose model you're using.

  • cultBgone

    NeverKnew, I must agree with your observations. This person is a troll but no one would know what that means ordinarily. This phony outed himself or herself...what a bunch is bs. You'd think the jw Elders had better things to do with their time, yes?

  • notjustyet

    About the reporting of the YMCA meet ups and you telling the other Jws and the elders. They will not chastise this person infront of a new prospective member. The last thing that they would want you to see is a current member being counseled about something so silly.

    Here is a video showing the article from the Jws stating that fact. The video actually has another reason behind being made but it covers the YMCA issue perfectly. There is so much you need to know, we are trying to help you with this and I know that you are hearing some conflicting info and I would like to share a few other links where you can go to get info about this "High Control Group" aka cult.

    See Steven Hassan, cult expert, website at and see that he list the Jws as a High Control Group. Look up the BITE model from Steven Hassan to see HOW the group will eventually, if you continue to buy what they are selling, control you and your husbands life. There are some great videos from user Brad Zook on youtube showing how the BITE model relates to the Jws.

    Also consider checking out for plenty of other meembers input on your questions. The time you are spending now researching this group, that we were all involved with, WITHOUT BIAS, will show what they have done in the past. Psssst,.. Don't focus on their carrot they are dangling out infront of you, they do not control the carrot. Several of the comments you have made show that you are experiencing confirmation bias a bit, you cannot swallow the idea that these people are not telling you the truth. The people themselves can be very nice and I agree, they are nice. But this does not prevent them from being also douped.

    Here is the first of a four part series explaining how the BITE model is used by the upper management of Jws to Keep you inside the group.

    You need to look at this group and their teachings as you were a person that had nothing to gain or lose by discovering the actual teachings and history about the group. Once you are buying into the carrot they dangle, it could be too late to see it from an unbiased condition.

    Also check out this site. It shows other info to show if the Jws might be a cult group. Now remember that a group does not have to meet all the indicators to be considered a cult. Also understand that they will not be sharing this info and they will actually work toward preventing you from finding out this info by telling you not to look anywhere online except when researching the jws. BIG FLAG, a group should not be afraid of critical info about the group. The truth can stand on it's own, if it truly is the truth.

    We really do want to see you through this research. Take you time and be sure to look up critical thinking to gain an understanding on how to work this out with as little bias as possible. I can see that you are already having a leaning toward buying into their beliefs and truly need to look into what we are saying.

    Here is a video teaching some basics of critical thinking.


  • villagegirl

    No JW hangs out at the Y . End of story. Elders at the Y ? Lies

  • rebel8

    There is no "happy medium" on anything in the JW religion. You can verify this with the people you're studying with.

    Revelation 3:16

    So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.

    Revelation — Its Grand Climax at Hand p.72

    Christendom's religionists were lukewarm to an appalling degree. Instead of welcoming our Lord's return in 1914*, her clergy got embroiled in the slaughter of World War I, in which 24 of the 28 contending nations claimed to be Christian. How great their bloodguilt! During World War II, which was also fought largely in Christendom, false religion's sins again "massed together clear up to heaven." (Revelation 18:5)

    *FYI, the 1914 doctrine has been totally changed since this was published.

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