LOL!Eutapro,Straight-up,your a dumb-ass troll.Statements that mean nothing,arguments that go no where,those are the tools of the trade for a dumb-ass troll.Who will you come back as next time?No one really cares,but you`ll be exposed one more time,and the time after that,and the time after that..ect,ect,ect.Your sorry religion is crumbling and you choose to act like a fool.Your not helping your organization and you can`t stop us.Could you be anymore useless?(LOL)...OUTLAW
Objectivity and This Site
by Eutapro 76 Replies latest jw friends
Suppose this counts as a "Return Visit"?
Jewel <Grinning Evilly>
Jewel: COOL! Soon Hilda's going to be asking all of JW.COM if we want to have Free Bible Studies (TM) in the privacy of our homes! And then after that, we'll all get taken to the KH (it'll have to be an assembly hall, tho, there's 4K+ people registered here...), and then we'll all get lovebombed and reintegrated into the group mind! All hail the Governing Body and the Faithful and Discreet Slave!
Hilda: You are so transparent. Even tho this troll personality you've "roguishly" adopted is slightly less abrasive, it abrades nonetheless!Then again, being a balanced, logical community, if you want to talk calmly and logically with us, you're always welcome. Unlike certain *cough* Organizations, we welcome EVERYBODY and no-one is shunned.
The reason there are so few Dubs here is because they either A) never de-lurk, B) are too scared to be on the Web in the first place, and, C) the rest have already become XJWs. Remember, an informed Jehovah's Witness is a former Jehovah's Witness! LOL! Come on, debate Watchtower policy and doctrine with us! You know we'll have you for breakfast if you do...go right know we're right.
"Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)
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(_) (_)Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
Hello Eutapro,
thanks for your post. A very strange way to phrase yourself
indeed. I do agree with Alan:"Your comments indicate that, far from being a neutral observer, you're here to stir the pot and see what turns up. This gives the lie to your comment that "objectivity and openness are important for us intellectual academics", since it's obvious that you're neither objective, open, intellectual, nor an academic."
Are you trying to defend the ...lies, the changes in doctrines
annd all the rest of the damage from the WTBS Inc. ??Do you or have you really read many of the posts here??
Have you taken time to think about the many issues, some
of them really ..sad and painfull to relate??What is it really , behind your "scientific " approach?
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
“I will not belabor this point. It just seems that a site supposedly for "apostates" would label itself instead of But that is the owner's business I guess. The title just caught me unawares since I thought there would be an opporunity to communicate with both jws and ex-jws on this board.”
Well, interesting point of technicality. Actually, I just started lurking/posting to this site fairly recently; I actually found this site as a link VIA an “ex jw” site, so there are obviously many points of entry.
Speaking as a quite some time self-outted member (raised by a very devout JW parent), I continue to maintain that this site wouldn’t be at all attractive to the truly devout, by-the-book JWs. They really don’t do debate, you see. There’s no point: they’ve already WON. They advise their members to avoid anti-witness talk/thoughts. In fact (maybe they don’t advertise this as much now), but they used to advise their members to simply *discontinue* conversations with people who challenge them if they find themselves becoming “confused,” in their thinking, “muddled,” etc. THAT, of course, was a sure sign that Satan was behind the person’s words and the JW was at risk of being “blinded” by Satan. (I know, my mother actually told me the only reason she continued to try to discuss “spiritual things” with me was because she didn’t encounter such “confusion”).
So, “confusion” to the witness means to stop discussion something: bad sign. (Of course, it cannot mean that someone has a valid point…)
Regardless, if you’re so concerned with an objective exploration of the witness theology/beliefs, etc., you might want to check out their OWN sites first. Check out their doctrine. Read the Watchtower. With and open, honest mind.
Then *maybe* the apparently onesided(?) discussions here might make a bit more sense. You MIGHT pick up on why they are shrouded in such controversy. And why those who’ve been in that organization (either by choice, or raised in it by non-choice) feel the need to expose their doctrines/practices to legitmate scrutiny. Scrutiny which the witnesses attempt to suppress within their organization, but cannot outside of it.
Or, then again, you just might be converted to their beliefs. You just might be impressed with their intellectual appeal...
Very clever, Xander!
Or, perhaps...
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`-'._) (_.'-`Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
I thought this was a board with both devout jws and ex-jws on it.
For one who represents him/herself as an "intellectual academic," you are ostensibly ignorant of the teachings of the Jehovah's Witness cult. "Devout" JWs will never be found on this board because the JW cult forbids communication with disfellowshipped or disassociated members and also admonishes its members to avoid material written by "apostates."
On further reflection it appears that this medium of communication should probably be called Hey it is your choice what you want to call it.
Thanks for acknowledging our freedom of expression. Now maybe you can convince the leaders of your cult to allow its members similar freedoms.But objectivity and openness are important for us intellectual academics.
Intellectual academic? Isn't that an oxymoron?As for your objectivity, a review of the posts indicates that you haven't fooled anyone here. It may surprise you, but the folks on this board are not as easy to fool as the sheep you're accustomed to. Welcome to the real world!
Do the elders in your congregation know of your activities here?