a web site!
i thought he was comming from the same place as the wt, "the earth's center"
Is it getting too hot there?
have to go, need a breeze, too much wisdom here.
by Eutapro 76 Replies latest jw friends
a web site!
i thought he was comming from the same place as the wt, "the earth's center"
Is it getting too hot there?
have to go, need a breeze, too much wisdom here.
Your first reference has to with an idea called Radical Psychology, not Critical Psychology. This appears to be a major difference. Regarding your second reference, I can not access it for some reason, through my webtv.
Now, if you wish to provide more lengthy posts from your second source, I would be glad to give my opinion. However, based on the sample quote you provided, I doubt that my opinion would be any different.
At this point I would be asking people why they keep calling me Hilda or Mystikool. You are not at all curious as to why people are accusing you of being someone else? That is a bit odd. Maybe you just have'nt noticed.
March On
When folks call me names I just ignore them. I address the issues I wish to talk about. It seems perfectly logical to me that someone researching things would ignore those statements.
I'm not saying they are calling Eutapro "names". I'm saying they are not calling him/her by the correct name and I find it odd Eutapro has not seemed to notice this and ask why people are acussing them of being someone else. It is just my scientific observation.
As I have stated on many occasions, let us just stick to the content of a person's post and stop making inferences about their motives and their identity. If a person has devious motives, they will be determined in due time. In the mean time, just stick to the issues raised by posters.
Mr larc and hy
Thanks for being kind and informative. I must presently curtail my involvement with the internet as I rework my theoretical model based on what larc has said.
This does not mean that Eu is permanently leaving. He will be back in a couple of months to let you know the results of his work.