How is the org really run? What goes on behind the scenes?

by Magnum 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    I suppose we've overlooked a more basic question here: what part of the organization are we referring to when we talk about it "being run"? If we're talking about the business aspects, it's true that those are not managed by the GB. The Society itself made that pretty clear when it assigned the management positions to non-GB members. So in that sense, it's true that the GB are figureheads... in a corporate context. But in the religious context, I think the GB are absolutely in charge of things like doctrines.

    So in a way, both sides are right. All that I really disagree with is the idea that there is a grand conspiracy behind the org (like, ahem, the Rothschilds). If the suggestion is that doctrines are dictated by the advisors to the GB on the basis of what is legally or financially good for the org., then I would be very dubious. The money-saving changes that we do see taking place, such as shrinking the magazines, are not doctrinal changes.

  • fulano


    The Governing Body members are no longer Directors on the WTBTS. The WTBTS controls all the money and assets as well as much more. They are the recognized legal entity by law.

    If the WTBTS decided to ignore the Governing Body then the Governing Body would need to sue the WTBTS in order to gain control, if it is at all possible and recognized in the current Charter. The Governing Body members do not have much money to fight the WTBTS.

    I am unable to find the current WTBTS Charter. The only one that I can find is the 1945 Charter but there have been a number of changes made to that since then. It would be insightful to know how the Charter currently addresses the authority of the Governing Body.

    Does anyone know why the 1945 Charter is readily available but the current charter is not?"[/quote]

    I know two members of the Wtbts, one died, an old missionary in the DR, the other one still alive, a branch coordinator. They deeply respect and respected the GB, and even accepted the smallest and most modest room at Bethel at the time of the annual meeting.

    Sorry but I still don't know how to quote proporly nor adjust profile on this site.

  • metatron

    I think this thread contains some solid thinking overall as to what the internal situation likely is.

    Again, you may have a Governing Body that lacks the interest or even ability to fully comprehend what's going on or what decisions to make in reaction thereto. They might enjoy not having to bother with the details - now left to other committees.

    If we take Juan Viejo's insider as real intelligence, you can already grasp how detached their thinking is. For example, it is too late (IMO) to renew the embarrassing quality of the Watchtower and Awake. Print media is dying by the day. Even without that, can anyone here truly imagine greater depth in Watchtower publications? How would such a thing be possible? How would that work in 3rd world countries? How would they cope with the poor reading skills of most Witnesses?

    Even more than that, they would have to thoroughly flesh out their inconsistent scheme of doctrine, develop solid apologia and build something like a Catholic magisterium and post footnotes for secular references .................and stop quoting out of context!.

    In an Organization dominated by a$$-kissers, every idea thrown to the undermenschen gets lavish praise and when failure erupts, it never gets brought up. Reference North Korea for this behavior. And objective decay gets ignored thereby.

    I still fail to observe any evidence that HQ has fully accepted and understands how the Death of Print will affect them. The "JW.Org" stuff is pathetic. If Witlesses don't bother reading the magazines now, what happens when they go online exclusively? Will "JW.Org" really compete with online porn for viewers? Seriously?

    I have changed my opinion of Where The Organization Is Headed. The current trend says "classic, half-burned out, denomination".

    Now, I cannot imagine any director of any church proposing that their group becomes yet another tired Protestant sect. That's not how things happen. It's about evolution. Things change because people change , a step here, a step there and hardly anybody notices.


  • done4good

    Good thread. For the 8 years I have been on this site, (with varying degrees of participation), I have seen probably 1000 threads asking things such as "how is the org run", "do the GB really believe", "is there someone else pulling the strings", etc. Answers are usually never found, (though many plausible explanations offered), only to be asked a different way on yet a different thread. This usually just leads to all types of theories, including those of the conspiracy type. Ususally when a things go as far as unprovable conspiracy theories, (of which stating some outside force controlling the GB is one of), we are way off the mark.

    The real underlying question that needs to be asked is why they do what they do what they do? "Why" often gets to the root cause of what is going on generally in a more expiditous manner than asking "what" or even "how". This can be answered using a logical approach, but not neccessarily one that follows the normal hueristic of "common" sense.

    To answer this, one needs to consider some counterintuitive concepts. In this case, the main concept is social evolution. Social evolution, (just as biological or any other evolution), has its roots in probabilties. In biological evolution, a gene mutates by stochastic, (random), events. Eventually with enough tries, a working mutation that produces a useful evolutionary genetic change takes place. Since this change is one that produced somthing useful for survival, it has advantages over mutations that do not produce a useful genetic change. Now take note, we really never see these "bad" genetic outcomes in the fossil record, do we? "Why" is what we should be asking ourselves, but we typically do not bother, because the answer, (to anyone familiar with biological evolution), is obvious. The fact is, since the mutatations produced "bad" genes not fit for survival, the organisms that were produced died off long before they could reproduce themselves.

    The same principle applies to social memes just as it does biological genes. In this case, the social meme is the WT. The organization has survived about 140 years through years of social evolutionary change. In 1971, when the autocratic nature of the Presidency was threatening the organization's survival, (mostly due to the 1975 craziness), the board of directors began to flex their muscles and form a "theocratic", version of themselves, that today we know as the Governing Body. This was the first of such memetic mutations that took place with the board. Guess what, it worked. We know it did, because within 5 years, (1976), it gained enough power to take all power away from the Presidency. On the other hand, if it had failed, we probably would not even know about what took place in October of 1971.

    In the years since, the organization has continued to evolve. It is much larger than it was in 1976, and we live in a much more complex and legalistic society. The organization has continued to exist due to random changes over the years, some of which have proven successful. It is not that some very intelligent people are running it, (and know it is all BS). Rather, the ones running it are mostly as delusional as most of the R&F, (just much worse because they have no other life outside of the organization), they just simply have made enough satisfactory decisons over the years since to keep it alive.

    As a corollary to this, we do see the organization dying a slow death. In other words, the larger evolutionary changes neccessary for survival long term would really involve changes the organization is incapable of making.

    There is nothing mystical or conspiratorial taking place. Just random decisions and happenings that have been "good enough" to keep it alive. Social evolution will run its course to completion in the end.


  • Apognophos

    I appreciate your thoughts, d4g. I guess at the end there you're implying extinction may be in store for the org. As you indicated, some animals cannot change in the ways that they need to in order to survive. Some animals could have adapted and survived, but they didn't have enough time, like the dodo, who simply didn't know what the word "predator" meant, and didn't have enough time to learn before it was too late. The religion is certainly a fossil from the 1800s in some ways, and yet they manage to stay just outside of the patently ridiculous -- for instance, they don't believe in a young earth anymore, and they don't have any beliefs that make them easy fodder for comedians, unlike scientologists and Mormons.

    Unfortunately I just can't be as pessimistic about the org's chances. I think that the way they've shunted construction expenses onto the publishers, and the pulling back from printed literature to the Internet, allows them to reduce their expenses almost infinitely. Additionally, as far as members, they still seem to be able to grow in uneducated lands. The fact that these members cannot contribute much money no longer matters now that they are slimming down and going digital. They may have trouble funding the KH building in those lands even with the richer members in other lands paying for them, but if push comes to shove, they can just tell the publishers to meet in private homes.

    However, I agree with you that these changes did not take a rocket scientist, nor a skilled con man, to come up with. They were basically no-brainers. The change in the blood teaching is a good example of a desperate attempt at avoiding ruin (from lawsuits and/or public disapproval), which was also fairly, well, stupid. Why on Earth would certain parts of "sacred" blood be okay to take, and others not? I'd have to see much more clever changes in doctrine before I'd believe that there was something Machiavellian going on. It's mostly a ship of fools in my opinion.

  • jhine

    I still wonder about the mind control aspects of the org . I get what everyone has said about financial and legal decisions and evolution in those areas , but they do employ some very sophisticated control techniques . Maybe that is why Randall Watters thinks as he does ? They very cleverly get the r&f to police themselves in effect and the information control , love bombing , time management , misinformation , isolation from outside community all smack of real intelligence and planning .

    No one has really touched on those aspects , except one comment, I think, suggesting natural cunning . However if you look into classic brainwashing techniques they use all of the ones listed . I cannot remember at the moment the numbers but someone has in article said that most cults use maybe , two thirds of the methods available while the Wachtower uses all of them ! .

    Any comments on this aspect of the org ?

  • jgnat

    Well, one aspect of indoctrination is frequent reinforcement. Deleting a midweek meeting I believe, weakens the reinforcement. Like Coca Cola, I think the WTS stumbled in to a winning formula and decided to run with it. They are messing with a few traditions this new crew, which may lead to some unintended consequences. (Declining attendance and lighter donations).

  • Rattigan350

    The GB are merely figureheads. When it was announced that magazine printing will be transferred from Wallkill to Canada, it was said that the GB approved that. What does the GB know or care about where magazines are printed? When I asked Witnesses that they said that the GB was the FDS and the printery was part of the master's belonging so they were appointed over it. But the fact is that the factory overseers make the decisions and then the president of the WTBTS approves it and the GB rubber stamps it.

    As to who runs the org: The captalization on the belief that it matters to God what people do and they must do things 'just so' makes it easy for people to come along and then to assume the position of the ones capitalizing. 'Hey there are gullible people out there who will do anything to save themselves, to see their dead loved ones, etc.' People are so tied to the adherance to a deity, they will do anything for that.

  • metatron

    I wondered about that area, too - in regard to the effectiveness of Watchtower deceptions. How did they get so good at it?

    Nevertheless, evolution is still the answer. Consider the examples of Jim Jones and also the Moonies. They did what worked and kept doing it. Keeping people tired, broke and busy helps, too.

    I will say that (IMO) the Watchtower Study is possibly the best deception tool they ever invented. It's so good, in fact, I actually think other religions or political groups could learn from it. The key is to concentrate on carefully crafted propaganda and then have the subjects express it publically in their own words. Highly effective deception - especially when you observe how artfully they switch back and forth between "Jehovah" and the organization as synonomous. It's truly astounding how they get people to think they are one and the same as God inspite of 130+ years of abject prophetic failure.


  • dozy

    jhinie " they do employ some very sophisticated control techniques "

    That's what kind of puzzles me. Often I'll read what is obviously a control statement in the magazines - sometimes even an obviously fabricated experience to " make a point ". Franz touches on this in his books , suggesting that subconsciously the leaders have a "means to achieves the end " attitude.

    I have a high ranking friend who does consultancy work for the society and knows all of the UK Branch committee - in fact , he even goes away on holiday with one of them sometimes. My friend knows it isn't the truth and is going to fade but stays in for social & work related reasons and also because he dearly loves his wife & she would be devastated if she knew how he felt. He says that the branch committee & the GB believe in it "hook , line and sinker".

    Religious belief seems to transcend everything else. Whether it is people strapping bombs on themselves and blowing themselves up or the slightly less fanatical attitude of the Society , people are able to convince themselves to do or believe crazy things , and often really wicked things.

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