How is the org really run? What goes on behind the scenes?

by Magnum 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villagegirl

    Syme- I am just curious, have you been at Bethel and met any of these

    masters of doublethink ? I know there are a lot of ex-Bethel boys here.

    I know a man locally who told me he was roommates with one of the GB

    when, I guess, they pioneered together ? He is in his fifties so he may be refering

    to the new and youngest one ? I am not up on this, being a mere lowly woman.

    This local guy is a born in, married to a born in and both are completely bamboozled.

    He casually said they were "nice guys" having no clue apparently to the

    actual impact the cult has had. I read in another thread, their "charitable"

    tax exempt status is being challenged. They cannot possibly prove

    they are a charity or benefit the community at large. I was an executive

    director of a non profit in California and I wrote the Articles to submit

    to the government to obtain non-profit status and we had to demonstrate

    some actual benefit we were performing.

  • problemaddict

    So you know how you kind of start to formulate your thought so you skip a few posts at the end? Well when i saw people agreeing with Syme, I went back and read the post.


    I was even going to bring up Occams razor! Don't over complicate this. Its bizarre enough as it is, in the full light of day. 100 years plus into this, you have a self sustaining machine. You have a culture that is self sustaining. Most importantly, those in charge seek out just barely enough prominance, and elect their replacements and peers through unknown means not disclosed to the congregation.

    And here is the genius.......nobody cares! They don't care. They don't question it. Most JW's don't know who these guys are. They have conflated themselves with Jesus, and everyone who treats them as such would deny to the ground that they do so.

    Money is not as strong as sense of power, and these guys aren't living it up. That is a dead end. They are true believes, held captive by the same delusion that all of us were, and that they continue to feed to the rest of the group.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    This post will be deleted in 3 seconds but the Watchtower Corporation answers to the Rothschild family.

  • millie210

    Its been more than 3 seconds....

  • problemaddict

    Ah the old Rothchild gem!

  • jhine

    Cheese did we really need that picture in our heads ?


  • Listener

    The Governing Body members are no longer Directors on the WTBTS. The WTBTS controls all the money and assets as well as much more. They are the recognized legal entity by law.

    If the WTBTS decided to ignore the Governing Body then the Governing Body would need to sue the WTBTS in order to gain control, if it is at all possible and recognized in the current Charter. The Governing Body members do not have much money to fight the WTBTS.

    I am unable to find the current WTBTS Charter. The only one that I can find is the 1945 Charter but there have been a number of changes made to that since then. It would be insightful to know how the Charter currently addresses the authority of the Governing Body.

    Does anyone know why the 1945 Charter is readily available but the current charter is not?

  • Magnum

    Listener - very interesting. Never thought about that. So the corp has legal control over all the assets, and the GB might have no legal association with the corp. The GB could actually be like a figurehead monarchy. I, too, would like to know about the charter.

  • Apognophos

    I have to agree with Syme. The GB naturally have total control of the org. because they are the Slave and nobody would dare defy them. That doesn't mean, of course, that the GB doesn't take advice from brothers in the legal or financial sections of the org.

  • Vidiot

    Syme - "They are a self-sustaining and self-propagating group of delusional fanatics, purely Orwellian in nature, who, like the Inner Party, are masters of Doublethink: they know they are decieving the R&F, and at the same time they firmly believe they have the Truth."

    Hard to disagree.

    And for any who are still scratching their heads over that last bit (underlined by me), wondering how the hell something like that's possible, well...

    ...I came to the conclusion some time ago that authoritarian leaders don't experience (or are not bothered by) cognitive dissonance like the rest of us.

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