some of the more pernicious aspects of the religion are not as obvious as shunning and blood
Apognophos, you are right. Even the "two witnesses" rule (i.e., the advertisement that swells the Whore's numbers with the influx of predatory pedophiles) isn't.
It is the whole pernicious, mental-illness-inducing effect of its collection of idiotic beliefs and practices.
It damages the health, esp. the mental health, and happiness of people.
A way must be found to allow it to be sued for exactly this pervasive and non-specific but nonetheless enormous damage. This is the Era of Lawsuits against Major Corporations.
Even the tobacco giants have limbered up for the day they will be really held to account. Their share prices reflect this already. They are shifting assets out of the "vulnerable" states to places where they are guaranteed immunity and safety.
The Filthy Harlot of Brooklyn is doing the same. Real estate is being gradually realized (i.e. liquidated) (think the move to and moneys moved into more subtle, harder-to-get at things - and probably with an aim to be as far out of the reach of US, Canadian, European, Australian etc. Courts as is possible.
I personally don't care if the whole org. dies or not, I just want to see the harmful policies revoked
From a medical POV, when an organism is so evil, or completely malformed, so thoroughly diseased, minor DNA adjustments, surgery or other excision can't be enough.
You don't debate with a smallpox virus. You destroy it, every last fragment of it, except you keep a few specimens well-locked-up somewhere for research for the next time such a horrible blight emerges.
Don't kill its victims with the cure, though, unless it is absolutely necessary as an act of mercy.
Now, for the Water that Leads to Everlasting Life, scroll to the real message of:
which is not the honey-laden flytrap that I put at the top of the thread. Thank you.
("Humanist" Class)