Apognophos: I have to agree with Syme. The GB naturally have total control of the org. because they are the Slave and nobody would dare defy them.
But your reasoning is the same as Syme's. You're just going by the message they present to the public. Can we trust that message? I agree that the org says the GB is the slave and that it's in control, but the org also says that all apostates are Satanic liars who want the flock to follow them. The org said there was an evil slave class that was beating it. The org says it participates in disaster relief out of love. So, again, do we believe the GB is all-powerful because the org says it is? We know what the org says, but what we're asking is whether what the org says is true.
Your reasoning is like this: The GB have control of the org. How do I know? They say so. You have no evidence one way or the other.