Mocking and ridicule can help the healing process.
Id prefer to laugh than cry.
Plus, I think the WT/BORG have a big enough legal department, they can handle it.
I won't lose sleep over hurting their feelings.
by yadda yadda 2 76 Replies latest jw friends
Mocking and ridicule can help the healing process.
Id prefer to laugh than cry.
Plus, I think the WT/BORG have a big enough legal department, they can handle it.
I won't lose sleep over hurting their feelings.
You've got to be really dumb to fall for the watchtower. So mock yourself. Ridicule yourself for lacking ordinary reasoning skills. You can't help it that you have such a low IQ that you couldn't figure it out. So you blame the fool. But you followed the fool. When the blind lead the blind they both fall into the pit. So there you are - both blind leader and blind followers wallowing in self pitty. And now out of desperation you hurl insults at people who are deaf.
Like two year olds you whine "But, youuuu dooooo it toooooooo" It's like listening to x NFL players with more money than they know how to spend crying about "Why didn't the NFL tell us that if we use our skulls as smashing tools it's going to turn our brains to jelly". Duhhh. I mean really Duhhhh!
So at what point did your two brain cells figure out that the Watchtower is wrong?
You poor pathetic misled souls.
They believe a talking snake ended a perfect paradise, the world is less than 7,000 years old, there was a global flood, God kills children by the masses, a man walked on water and raised the dead, and that the apocalyptic end to all humankind is at hand even though they have been waiting almost 2000 years for it.
How can you NOT ridicule something like that? It's either point out their faults and learn from it or pity them... either/or.
Maybe both.
Backseatdevil: The problem is that most of the people on this board at one time actually believed all of that and all the ridicule in the world wouldn't have changed their mind. And those who think ridicule and mocking is useful are merely relieving their own tension while not really emancipating anyone from their mental slavery.
I'm afraid that mocking just turns it into an "us vs. them" situation for a JW reader. I'd rather stay level-headed and attack specific doctrines.
As JWs are programmed to be expect to be ridiculed they (in the ultimate irony) see this as confirmation of the correctnees of what they believe - they will cite Noah - so when talking to a JW in person mockery and ridicule are counter-productive - but for discussion on JWN mockery and ridicule are clearly appropriate as a form of therapy.
Then that is what you should do.
Then that is what you should do.
Mockery as therapy for x-JW's
Mockery as an accusatory stance is NOT a healthy way of dealing with the problem. It is a way of relieving oneself of personal responsibility by blaming the organization. It may be a first step when you are angry and frustrated but it is important to understand your own agency in the matter.
To get out of the blame shifting we need to use languge that indicates we know our own role in being deceived.
For example: Those stupid JW's actually believe that 2 million Israelites wandered for 40 years fertilizing the Sinai with their excrement, their animals excrement and left no evidence that they were ever there. (choose your myth)
This statement should include statements such as "and I was stupid enough to believe it" Or you could generalize things and say "Those stupid "Fundies" believed.... and I was stupid too!
How smart was Ray Franz? He wrote his books about JW's and they were peppered with references to logical fallacies , yet HE believed the miracles and couldn't accept evolution.
The problem is that most of the people on this board at one time actually believed all of that and all the ridicule in the world wouldn't have changed their mind. And those who think ridicule and mocking is useful are merely relieving their own tension while not really emancipating anyone from their mental slavery.
How is this YOUR problem? (By "your" I'm meaning you in the plural, us all as individuals who visit this site.) Everyone is responsible for their own freedom. You can't teach anyone to let go of "mental slavery." You can explain around it, convey the concept, and LEAD BY EXAMPLE. But other than that, we all stand before whatever god, not god, being, universe, whatever on our own accord and NOT handing off the shoulders of others.
If you believe in god, you will be hard pressed to convince me that god would want that kind of person in his kingdom in the first place.
To ridicule the absurd is to put distance between two point. If we were at one time associated with the absurd, then we can further distance ourselves by overcompensating in ridicule... which could mean one of any number of things, or we could just ridicule in perspective... i.e. "man, I can't believe how stupid I was!"
Either way, what we WERE and what we ARE can be determined by how much we evolve. Of course when one FIRST gets free, they will overcompensate in ridicule. That's a natural reaction. How can you, or why should you take that personally? Unless you are part of the person's day-to-day life, their method of evolution is not really your concern. After that balanced out, there may be a period of bitterness. Again, natural reaction and shown by similar styles of ridicule. Looks the same and sounds the same, but are NOT the same.
Later, a family member, neighbor or the like could be hounding them about the absurd (belief in the bible or in god) in which case ridicule is presented out of frustration. Looks the same and sounds the same... but certainly NOT the same. Similarly, someone may have to face some sort of persecution for their non-belief system, atheism, or freedom from spiritual slavery. Exhaustion against the dense and ignorant would vent itself in ridicule. Looks the same and sounds the same... but again, NOT THE SAME.
On this and on other sites I have constantly explained that there is very little a person can gain with internet exchanges alone. This would be an example. All these different forms of ridicule look and sound exactly the same, and apparently people are all interpreting the same, linking them to the same category, and judging all ridicule the same. So yes, I can imagine it's irritating and overwhelming to some.
But again, how is this YOUR problem? The issue is in people's reason for expression, NOT your interpretation of such expression. The only generalized statement to make about ALL of these scenarios is: “Sometimes ridicule is helpful to determine personal distance, but it is not always a symptom of personal growth.” That's pretty much it. Not to be mean, but if a person or organization cannot understand the subtle differences in interpersonal communication and its motivation, then I doubt that person or organization will have the solution to help someone grow past ridicule and into a healthier realm. And if that person or organization doesn't have the answer, then they really shouldn't be concerned with those who ridicule, their opinions, or their method os evolution.