If I know something is wrong, I just DON'T DO IT and it's not difficult!
So you think you are a good person then?
by Perry 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How do you know Perry isn't a sinner? We are all know how wonderful you are. We see how you Christians
You said Paul was a liar and a con artist when he talked about the OT. The OT talks about all sorts of sin. Paul called himself the worst of sinners and condemned by the OT.
I guess you think the OT says you are your own savior? From what you say, it seems you think YOU can save the world with all you humanistic deeds. It apears to me even you believe the world needs saving.
Yes, Perry, I do think I am a good person and the video was not impressive.
I'm worried about neither heaven nor hell so threats for not following the ten commandments or even rewards for following them are not relevant.
I do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.
DD- Ask a Rabbi about Jewish beliefs on personal accountability. Very different from Chrstianity and especially Protestant/Evangelical Christianity.
Humans, all of us need to recognize our role as stewards of the earth. We need to plan on what future generations will have with earth's resources.
Paul's definitions of Judaism, extrapolations about Judaism are all skewered. From Romans on its a mess.
Paul was Fred Franz on Acid.
To give you a little glimpse into the difference-
In Jewish writings a person who never sinned could Not enter Gan Eden, the essentialness of our humaness expressed by our lower inclinations (Yetzer Ha-Ra) was considered vital.
Or as is said of our relationship to God- 'If one says one honest thing to God in his lifetime he is considered righteous'.