Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    mana 11 - surprise surprise the Quran, like the Bible, is internally contradictory and means many thinkings to many people as this extract from Pakistani muslim now living in the w~Est amkes clear:

    "So for the next five years [after going through a period of confusion about what it was to be a Muslim] I seriously studied Quran from the first verse to the last. Since I did not understand Arabic, I read many translations and interpretations of Quran. The more I studied Quran and Islam, the more I realized that there are as many Islams as Muslims, and as many interpretations of Quran as Muslim scholars. Let me share a few examples.

    Muslim scholar Abul Aala Maududi opposes the Theory of Evolution while another Muslim scholar, Abul Kalam Azad, is in favor. While many Muslim scholars translate the Quranic expression nafs-un-wahida as Adam, Azad translates it as unicellular organism, amoeba, and tries to prove that there is no contradiction between the Theory of Evolution and Quran. Similarly the Quranic expression malaika is translated by many Muslim scholars as angels while Ghulam Ahmed Pervaiz translates it as laws of nature. Allama Mohammad Iqbal in his collection of lectures titled Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam states that hell and heaven are "states, not places" and the story of Adam and Eve is the story of man and woman. After studying different and contradictory Quranic translations and interpretations I realized that there was no way for me to find the right meaning of Quran, as some scholars make literal while others make metaphorical interpretations of Quran, and we all know that the Arabic language, like other living languages, has greatly evolved and changed over the centuries. Gradually I realized that Quran was part of folklore and wisdom literature.

    The question of the right interpretation of Quran became more complex and complicated when many Muslims, who dreamt of an Islamic state, sought to create laws based on Quran. There has been enormous confusion in the Muslim world as there is no one person, organization or sect that all Muslims agree upon. Unfortunately the situation is as clear as mud, and various Muslim sects believe in different and rather contradictory Islamic laws regarding marriage and divorce, homosexuality, slaves, minorities and many other civil and criminal matters."

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    that should be 'many things' not 'many thinkings' and 'a Pakistani Muslim now living in the West'

  • mana11

    The problem is with conservative Muslims who take the quran at it's word. - cofty



    my questions are still awaiting to be answered....

    is the QUR'AN Wrong on these points YES or NO?.


    YES or NO!.

    Kate.. surely you should be sticking up for Women!.. not assisting their husbands to continue to beat them black and Blue!.

    it is ignorance like this that keeps such mistreatment in the dark!...

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    From the Islamic Bulletin:


    In Islam Jihad does not mean "Holy war". And is not a declaration of war against other religions and certainly not against Christians and Jews, as some people want it to be perceived. Jihad literally means "striving, struggling or exerting more effort than usual for the betterment of one's elf and the community at large." It has an internal, societal and combative dimension.

    - The internal dimension of Jihad encompasses the struggle against the evil inclinations of the self; it involves every Muslim's earnest, moral efforts to resist all internal or external inclination towards sin of all kinds. This includes the struggle to overcome problems, difficulties, tasks, and temptations.

    - The social dimension includes struggling against social injustice and creating a communal identity based on charity, respect and equality. Also it takes the form of calling people with the community to enjoin good and forbid evil.

    - Finally, the combative aspect of jihad is in the form of a just war to be used against aggression or to fight forces of tyranny and evil oppression, and, even then, to observe the strict limits of conduct prescribed by Islam that preserves the life of innocents and the sanctity of the environment.

    - Islam rejects all forms of terrorism, extremism, fanatism and fundamentalism. The religion of Islam guarantees the sanctity of life (the life of a non-Muslim is considered as sacred as that of a Muslim), honor, property, and freedom to embrace and practice any religion they freely choose, and all other conducts as long as those conducts do not hurt others. To terrorize people or spread fear in any society or hurt others; all are considered major sins in Islam; Allah prescribed severe punishments for those who are involved in such actions."

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    mana11 - cut the 'answer my question yes or no' crap - that is not argument - it is intimidation. Ask any muslim - wife beating is not condoned by Islam. Pointing to a passage in the quran that you says does condone wife beating does not mean that it is condoned by Islam for the reasons I have outlined in my posts above. Your selective literalism is an intellectually dishonest way for you to maintain your sense of moral superiority to justify your bigotry. The Bible was used to justify Slavery in the 19th century US but woudl anyone seriously argue that now. Selective literalism is how the WBTS maintains its cult.

  • Laika

    It is better not to buy into the same 'us vs them' paradigm that radical ('conservative') muslims are selling us. It ends up feeding resentment and pushing more people into 'their' camp, and doesn't allow for the introspection that considers how we have contributed to the problem.

  • KateWild

    Kate.. surely you should be sticking up for Women!.. not assisting their husbands to continue to beat them black and Blue!.-mana

    I don't assist Muslim men in DV.

    You know absolutely nothing about me. You have a basic way of thinking and no sense of compassion whatsoever. I am a victim of DV and my JW ex husband got away with it. It was brushed under the carpet and I was DF'd for trying to expose it. We were told not to go to the police, so by the time we did, the police decided to take no futher action.

    IMO most Muslims don't pay attention to the whole Koran litterally, but you have no concept of my opinion. You haven't responded to my point. I hate all sexist religions. Not all Muslim women get beaten. You generalise too much you cannot have a conversation with normal people, you tar everyone with the same brush and you don't know how to take each individual as they come. There is no talking to you. You have no idea what most Muslims believe. Every Muslim that I have met has said that Islam is a peaceful religion and they have practiced it peacefully and interpreted the Koran as a peaceful holy book.

    Kate xx

  • nonjwspouse

    This Muslim parade in NYC, what do you think of this? Is this freedom of religion or in-your-face violent disregard for other humans and the law of the land?


    While there are some moderates speaking out againat those following the q'uran literally, that doesn't seem to be the norm.

  • KateWild

    Your selective literalism is an intellectually dishonest way for you to maintain your sense of moral superiority to justify your bigotry-Fraz

    Mana doesn't understand this sentence. Each time that it has been pointed out that most Muslims don't take the Koran litterally, mana has responded by quoting the Koran. I think we are flogging a dead horse. I don't think Mana is being intellectually dishonest, this kind of generalisations breed from willful ignorance. Mana is ignorant to what most Muslims believe and practice.

    Kate xx

  • mana11

    I tell you what, if i wander down to the local mosques, i hear a different story where they are verbally bashing christians.


    Ask ANY muslim the following.

    Is it ok not to attend the 5 daily prayers?. well at least 1?...NO

    Is it correct that young girls should be married? YES

    Is it correct to beat your wife? YES

    Is the Quran Correct in all things? YES

    Do you want Sharia law? YES

    without bias, listen to the answers!..

    The Holy Quran is very clear in wording, nothing is ambigious.

    I am not mentioning Jiad!, did i mention this word?. i ask you to answer the above...

    There has been enormous confusion in the Muslim world as there is no one person, organization or sect that all Muslims agree upon. Unfortunately the situation is as clear as mud, and various Muslim sects believe in different and rather contradictory Islamic laws regarding marriage and divorce, homosexuality, slaves, minorities and many other civil and criminal matters."

    They ALL agree on most of the above questions !.

    ask and find out!

    Eventually you WILL have to choose a side!

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