Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • cofty

    Mikado - I know quite a lot of Muslims and talk to them in the passing on a daily basis. They are mostly likeable people.

    However their religion stinks.

    The quran encourages men to mistreat women. Muslims are obliged to affirm that the quran is the very word of big Al. They are not free to say that Mo was a mysogynist.

    Hating a hateful religion is a virtue.

  • Laika

    Another call for genocide, sheesh.

  • cofty

    Another call for genocide

    By who?

  • Laika

    By erbie.

  • cofty

    Laika - I agree a call for Muslims to be eliminated is disgraceful.

    The rational position is at neither extreme of this polarised conversation.

    QCMBR has prety much got the balance IMO

  • Simon

    Mikado: yes, I've known quite a few muslims who were very personable but it doesn't alter the fact thet their religion is dangerous and I believe they were muslim for family and tradition reasons, not because they believed it.

    You keep going on about forum rules but can never point out *where* I've supposedly broken then. You also at the same time call for me to prevent some opinions from being posted and then say that you'll expect to be deleted for posting yours. Neither of these things have happened - we're enjoying a good discussion apart from a few flare ups so pleas keep on topic and stop trying to turn this into a debate about moderation.

  • Violia

    I really like this Charlie Daniels song, it was timely when it was written and still timely.

    Americans of all kinds, get together or we will fall


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    Most importantly, broadly associating Islam with terrorism merely polarises communities, which is precisely the goal of fundamentalist factions.

    Very, very true!


  • cofty

    There has been no acknowledgement by Mikado, Confused et al, that it is legitimate to like individual muslims while detesting their religion.

    Why not?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Mikado - if muslims wish to worship at the local mosque, obey the law of the land and live with others in peace, well and good.

    I, however, see no need to attend a religious building to realise that religiously-inspired, deliberate decapitation of cilivians is grossly wrong.

    Somebody help me, I'm having real trouble here trying to get my head around the fact that some people here can give the Watchtower Society a good kicking (blood, higher education, deservedly so) but defend Islam by encouraging all us sceptics to attend a mosque.

    Am I the problem here?

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